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Katrine's POV

It was already seventh period, and there was only twenty more minutes left until I got out of this place. It's not that I don't like this class, I just don't like school in general. Maybe school wouldn't be such a pain in the ass if it didn't have annoying people and boring classes.

The teacher was in front of the class, talking about things that are related to science while writing on the chalk board. Every once in a while she would look back, and give warnings to the students that were talking.

I sit in the very back of class, so multiple of times I fall asleep, except in this class. This very class, room 302, is the same class where Niall Horan is in at this very moment. I have science with him, but he never noticed me. He sits in front of me, yet he still doesn't know my name.

So while the teacher is distracted by teaching the class, I always take out my notebook, and I scribble quotes and feeling in it.

Niall Horan is looking handsome today. His hair is put up a little different than usual. Instead of a quiff, he just leaned it a little to the side, making his chocolate brown roots less visible by his top blond hair.

I just wish he would feel the same for me as how I feel for him...

I didn't notice I was writing for a long time until the sound of the bell breaks my concentration from writing.

I look up to find everyone getting up, and walking out the door. I do the same. I shove my notebook into my book bag before standing up from my seat. I walk out the door, and I pull out my phone from my back pocket.

I go through my contact list to find my dad's phone number. When I clicked on my dad's number I bump into someone. I lose my balance before falling back, biting my tongue when I hit the hard floor.

"Oh my I'm so sorry love." I hear someone say.

"Yeah save it you idiot-" I stop myself when my eyes are met with his ice blue eyes. The same ones that would take your breath away and never make you breath again. It's Niall.

He chuckles before extending his hand out to help me get up. Instead I shake my head and I help myself get up without his help.

"It's okay." I say, not looking at him, instead I pick up my phone from the floor to check if the screen hasn't cracked.

It was actually my fault. If I wasn't distracted with my face down looking at the bright phone screen I wouldn't have bumped into him.

"Actually it's my fault. I'm sorry." I mumble with my head down, looking at my black Converse.

I then look up, and he's still here, in front of me. He smiles before rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Is he nervous? Niall Horan nervous to be around me?

"Nialler are you coming?!" A tall, dark brown eyes guy with his hair put up in a short ponytail shouts from the end of the hallway. I believe his name is Zayn Malik. He has three other guys behind him, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, and Liam Payne. They all hang out together, and have the same level of jerk inside of each and one of them.

Except Niall. He's different.

"Yeah just give me a moment." He shouts back. When his eyes meet back to mine the whole world gets blurry. I only focus on him, like in a movie when they make the background blurry so it only concentrates on the main two character. That's how it is right now, my eyes only on him.

"Well I gotta go...uhm what's your name?"

"Kat. Call me Kat."

"Okay... Kat. See you around, I guess." He turns to his heels and jogs away to meet up with the rest of his group. They all then disappear out of the front doors, leaving me alone in the now empty hallway.


"How was school?" My dad asks as soon as I closed the door, and drove away from the school zone.

"It was okay, the same as always." I always have the same answer. The word okay describes nothing, absolutely nothing to what I really felt today, or any other day.

Today; as like every other day, I sat alone at lunch, got pushed and dropped all my notebooks and papers, and got forgotten by Niall. He sits in front of me in science, yet he still doesn't remember my name, which is what gets me angrier every day.

I hate feeling this feeling. It wraps your mind with thoughts of what if or maybe. It fools you with thinking you're in love. It's like fools gold, with your eyes it looks like pure gold, but when you feel it then the truth hits you. You may think being in love feels magical, but until you actually experience it yourself then it's something else.

What hurts the most is falling for someone who won't fall for you. Because once you are deeply in love, the quick sand will swallow you whole, leaving nothing behind...

"I have to go back to work today. I'll just drop you off home and leave. I left enough money on the table for you to order something to eat. Is that okay?" This happens almost everyday. My dad leaves for work and I don't see him until morning. But in the same time I like it, because I get to spend some alone time. I just wear my batman onesie, watch some Netflix while I eat some Chinese food or pizza.

"Yeah it's fine." I finally answer. He gives me a small nod before the whole car turns silent.

It didn't take long for us to get home, school is just about ten to fifteen minutes away. When my dad dropped me off he then immediately drove away, leaving me alone at home.
Q:How's the story so far?

I promise it gets better. This is just the beginning so it's boring But it will get better ❤️

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