23: Day one

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The winner from last chapter is *drumroll* directioner_4526 ! Thanks for voting and commenting a lot!!! Go follow her and this chapter is dedicated for you!

I'm still doing this contest thing so if you want a dedication, follow and shoutout then all you gotta do is vote and comment a lot.

Some people have asked me if I get annoyed with a lot of comments BUT I PROMISE YOU I LOVE IT WHEN Y'ALL COMMENT A LOT

You can just comment about the book or just random stuff like food and shiz, even about your day!

Anyways I hope you enjoy!
P.S this chapter is kinda short but that's bc I want to update a lot, I just can't find the time to do so. So I will update frequently but short chapters then long chapters that would take me like two weeks to update :)

Hope you enjoy and comment as much as you please

Katrine's POV

Today's the day. I will meet up with Niall at some place he told me to go, and hug him. I don't know if it will be awkward or weird, but I hope it's not, because I want to get over with this as soon as possible.

I didn't have the chance to ask Niall where we're going, but I feel like it's nothing too formal. I decided to just wear some casual clothes-- today it's kinda chilly so I'll be wearing a hoodie, skinny jeans and my red Vans.

My phone then rang, and I checked the screen to realize I got a text from some unknown number. I clicked on it, and it was a text from Niall. I forgot I had deleted his number from my contact list.

Niall: Meet me today in twenty minutes by the large deck connected to the lake

I turned off my phone, not replying to him back. It would just feel a little weird to me to just text him back saying okay or something like that.

I went in my room, getting dressed on the clothes I picked out, and I grabbed my keys before leaving the house.

My stomach grumbled as I started to drive away from my place. I'm craving for some chicken nuggets right now. Oh and also pizza rolls, dear lord I want some pizza rolls.

I shook the thought of food off my mind so I can get concentrated on what I really need to be thinking about.

I don't know why Niall would want me to go to the lake-- I mean last time I was over there it was about four years ago. There's nothing special at that lake.

I arrived there a few minutes later. I walked over to the deck connected to the lake, admiring the reflection that the sun caused above the lake; making it look like there's crystals in it.

I then saw a small speed boat coming towards me. I automatically assumed it to be Niall, and I was right. It is Niall. I rolled my eyes, but in the same time this is quite nice.

"Hello my princess." He says once he stopped the speed boat in front of me.

I wasn't planning on smiling, but when he did a funny face I just couldn't hold it anymore. I laughed and that just made him smile even more.

"Do you remember this place?" He asks looking at the same direction to the lake as I was.

"Yeah, but why here?"

I could see him turning his head to face me from the corner of my eye, but I didn't look back. "Because this is the place where we first met. Remember? When a few of my friends pushed me to fall in the lake, and you accidentally fell in too."

I laugh at the memory of back then. I was walking down the deck when I then saw them pushing each other. Of course I started to walk away, but somehow I got caught up with the whole bundle of mess.

I kept on looking at the beautiful view of the lake; I just couldn't take my eyes away. But then I remembered, I'm just here because I agreed on the deal. So I turned my body to face Niall completely, and I grabbed him into a hug. When I let go, his eyes were a bit watery.

"Bye Niall. See you tomorrow."

And with that, I left.

Short chapter :( but I'll maybe update tomorrow.

Who lives in Florida?

I'm visiting Orlando tomorrow and I'm so excited!!!1!!1!

But it's gonna be a 18 hour drive from where I live to Florida

Well till next time

Wallflower || NHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora