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Katrine's POV



I narrowed my eyes as I kept on looking at the barely healing cuts on Niall's wrist. I brushed the tips of my fingers over them, making him wince a little.

"Why did you do this? W-was it because of me-"

He placed a hand on my thigh. "Don't worry. Right now I have you, and you have me. That's all we gotta think about right now."

I nodded before slightly turning my head away to look down. A tear slips off my eyes and I sniff before I starting to cry.

"Hey, hey shhh. It's okay. I'm gonna be fine." He grabbed me in a hug as the palm of my hands rest on his chest. I bury my face of the crook of his neck as my tears began to get heavier.

"I just don't want to lose you again." I sob, soaking the collar of his shirt with my tears. His grip around me gets tighter as the words came out my mouth.

"You will never lose me. Never."

• • • •

I shake my head; disagreeing to Brook's statement. I started to talk to her again, I mean she's been my best friend since forever, so I couldn't be mad at her. I met up with her at a small restaurant next to my house so we could catch up on things.

"Maybe," I shrug as I take a bite on a french fry. "But in my opinion I think Superman beats Batman if they ever went against each other."

"What makes you think that?" She asks as she steals one of my french fries from the small cooling rack.

"I dunno, maybe 'cause Superman is the strongest hero and he's the best. I mean he's made out of steal and has laser that comes out his eyes. He can also fly, but Batman can't." I blurt out before smirking.

"Says who?" She challenges.

"Says all the superhero comic books."

"You're such a geek." She mocks as she playfully pushed my shoulder. She steals another fry from me, and I quickly hide them away from her.

"Stop eating my fries!" I shout at her, acting like some little girl. She laughs before kicking my leg under the table.

"C'mon, just one more fry please?!" She begs.

"I asked ya if you wanted to order something but you said no. It's your problem biach."

She huffs, crossing her arms in defeat. She looked out the window, staring at the people walking by.

After looking at Brook for a while, I've noticed she's been wearing her sunglasses the whole time; even indoors.

"Why don't you take off your shades? We're indoors-- you don't need them." I giggle, snapping her attention back to me.

"I uhm like to wear sun glasses."

"Why indoors?"

She mocks again. "Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Coz I can."

She nods. "Then that means I can wear them if I want to."

The waiter passed by to refill Brook's lemonade and my sweet tea. I took a huge gulp out of my drink to drain down the saltiness of the fries.

The sunglasses weren't bothering me at all at first, but now it is. So I leaned in a little closer, and I quickly snatched them off her face. She gasped as she tried to cover her left eye, but it was impossible.

"What the fuck happened to you?!" I ask while taking her hand away from her swollen and bruised eye.

"Nothing." Brook gets up and makes her way to the exit.

"Brooklyn, wait!" I shout, running after her. When I finally cached up I placed my hand on her shoulder to turn her to face me.

"Leave me alone." She says, but I ignore her.

"Who did this Brook? Tell me now."

"Nobody Kat! I just ran through a pole."

"What? You think I'm stupid?"

She didn't want to make eye contact, instead she tried to walk away, but I stopped her. Then it crossed my mind. Could it be? Could it really be him that did this to her?

"Was it him? Did your boyfriend do this?"

"N-no. Of course not, that's ridiculous."

"Stop lying-" I was interrupted by a loud shout, sounding like it came from a male. When I turned around I saw him. Brook's boyfriend came walking towards us, with his face twisted in anger, and his hands clenched into a fist.

I'm so so so so so so so sooooo sorry for not updating. School has been really making my life complicated and I'm already failing two classes.

I was thinking of taking a three month break away from Wattpad.

but I'm not. That will just be child abuse for y'all. I will continue updating like twice a week, and I'll try to update more on weekends.

I hope you enjoyed :) i would love to read y'alls comments in how's this story so far


Wallflower || NHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora