29: Last Day

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School is a real pain in the ass. I hate waking up in the butt crack of dawn

Ugh. I also hate High School drama. Is there a mute button I can use to silence it?

Katrine's POV

I was seated on the freshly cut grass under the tree, which was making my legs itch a little since it's prickly against my skin. I was reading a book called the best of me by Nicholas Sparks; one of my very favorite authors. While reading, I was listening to All time low as my eyes danced with the romantic words written with ink on the paper.

I wasn't feeling too good today to hang around with friends, so I decided to spend some time for myself; plus I don't have much friends.

I came to the park at around six in the morning since Niall has been keeping me up all night by being in my thoughts. Talking about Niall, today is the last day of our agreement, meaning he will do his part by leaving me forever.

To be honest I don't know how I feel about it, but I can say it's a ball of emotions inside of me that glue around in a messy situation like gum. I feel sad, but in the same time I saw it coming.

I checked the time on my phone, and it's already seven in the morning. I decided to take a small brake from reading, so I placed the bookmark in before closing it to lay it besides me.

I rested my head back on the rough bark of the tree before closing my eyes. My toes curled as I let out a deep yawn that came all out from the inside of me.

A few minutes after, I felt the presence of someone being near me, so without opening my eyes I turned down the volume in my earphones. Then some heavy panting started to be heard by my ears after the music I was listening to completely ended. I opened my eyes, and there was Niall bend down with his hands on his knees.

He looks all sweaty as if he had just finished a marathon in under a minute-- which I think is impossible. He's wearing black and red basketball short with a black tank top and running shoes. After he had recovered most of his breathing, he threw himself on the grass next to me.

"I'm so fooking tired." He says in his thick Irish accent as I take off my earphones.

"Why are you here?" I say, not meaning to come out sounding like a total bitch.


"I'm sorry it came out that way, I meant to say it like why are you running so early in the morning?"

"Oh." He laughs a little as he scratches the back of his neck. "I usually run way earlier than this time, but all night my mind has been flowin' with thoughts that I just had to go for a run to get 'em out."

"Me too," I agreed. "What has been bothering you lately though?"

He sat up from his laying position, and looked down. He ripped off some grass with his hands as he took some few seconds for himself.

Before answering, he looked back up, meeting my eyes. "You."

I looked a little longer deeply in his eyes before looking away. I felt my cheeks heat up, but I tried to drain it away by not thinking about it.

He scooted a little closer to me. "I need you to love me, 'cause I love you."

I looked back to him with a confused facial expression. "You want me to fall back in love with you?"

Hurt appears on his face as his eyes begin to get glossy. I move my face closer to his. "How can I do that if I've never stopped?" After the words came out my mouth, his eyes lit up.

He cupped my left cheek as he stroked his thumb against my skin. My body started to tingle a little from the inside as my heart begun to race. His plump lips then crashed against mine as he laid my back against the tree again. I smiled in the kiss, but tried not to smile too big or he would kiss my teeth. He hovered over me to have both our bodies pressed together, and intertwined our fingers.

After a few seconds into the kiss, we both pulled away, and he rested his forehead against mine. I kept my eyes shut as I took in all of this. It doesn't feel like this is all real, but it is. I just admitted my feelings to Niall, and I'm glad I did.

I opened my eyes to look down to our locked hands, and I noticed something strange. There was three barely healed deep cuts on his wrist, and I quickly pulled my hand away.

"What happened." In the look on his face I can tell he doesn't want to tell me, but I need him to.

"That's a story I'll tell some other time."

Did ya like it??

So if you don't know school just started yesterday for me and I swear I will jump in front of a train if I need to so I can end it all. Unfortunately there's no trains where I live. Jk I won't do that

But that means school will keep me really busy but I'll try to update a lot. Just please bare with me


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