21(Maybe forever)

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I have an eye infection in my left eye for the past few days and I've been blind from that eye, so please bear with me for the grammar 'cause I can't see well, but that won't stop me from writing. (It's nothing serious, I just won't be able to see for a few more days)

I also have an eyepatch on and it makes me feel cool, even though my eye constantly feels like it's being stabbed by a needle.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter my loves.

Song for chapter: Salted wounds by Sia (Fifty shades of gray soundtrack)

Katrine's POV

I stand there, speechless. Did I hear her right, or did I hit my head on the way in?

I laugh a little before shaking my head. "Wait- did I hear you right?"

"Yes. The person that paid for everything is named Niall Horan."

I let out a deep breath, but that didn't stop my rapid breathing. I pace around while I wrapped a piece of my hair around my finger.

Why can't Niall leave me alone? Why did he have to get in my business? How did he even find out to begin with? I only told Brook-- wait, that bitch told Niall didn't she? Oh I swear I will-

"Miss? Is everything okay?" The front desk lady asks me. I fake a smile and I nod.

"Yeah," I lie. "When will Luke be able to go home?"

She looked at her computer one more time before telling me that the doctor will bring him to me in five minutes.

I sat on a chair, waiting for Luke, but I just couldn't take my mind off of Niall. He spent a fortune on a boy's medicine, wheelchair and hospital bills, and on top of that he gave him extra money for the boy to keep. He doesn't even know Luke. Why would he do that?

A few moments later I saw the doctor approach me, but Luke wasn't with him.

"Doctor, is everything okay?" I asked him as I stood up.

He smiled. "Yes of course. I just came to inform you that Luke will have to take his medicine in a daily basis, and will need all the attention he can to make sure everything's going well. He also has to drink plenty of water with his meals, and has to cut down on the sugar."

I let out a breath of relief before smiling. "Where's Luke?"

Seconds later I saw Luke in a wheelchair, but my body froze as cold shockwaves went through me. Niall was pushing the wheelchair Luke was in...

The doctor then left, leaving me alone in the waiting room with both of them. I was only looking at Luke; pretending as if Niall weren't there at all.

I know I'm being childish by giving Niall the silent treatment, but to be honest, I don't know how else to act other than anger and hatred.

Most girls would apologize as soon as they would see his icy blue eyes-- but I'm not the other girls. Nobody could stay mad at him, but I am and I will.

Niall lets go of the wheelchair, and Luke gets a little closer to me by himself. "I feel great." Luke has a big smile on his face, and I smile back.

I ruffle his hair. "That's great. Does your leg still hurt?"

He shakes his head as a no, before Niall takes a step towards Luke and I.

"Kat, can I talk to you-"

I interrupt Niall. "C'mon Luke. Lets take you home." I ignore Niall as I get behind Luke to push the wheelchair.

"Wait Kat," Luke stops me. "Please listen to him." I look at Luke with confusion. Did Niall tell him something?

"No Luke. Now lets go-"

"Please Kat. If you don't listen to what he has to say then I-I," Luke tries to find for words as he looks at me and Niall. "Then I won't go with you."

I clench my jaw as my hands ball up into a fist. I can't believe Luke is doing this to me.

I give myself a few more seconds to myself to think, even though there isn't much to think about.

"Fine," I give in. "I'll listen, but then I'll leave."

Luke nods and Niall smiles. Luke waits for me outside so he can give me some privacy with Niall.

As soon as Luke was out he cleared his throat before he took out an envelope. "Read this." He grabs my hand, and folded my fingers on the envelope.


"Please," he begs. "I need you to read it."

I nod as I put the envelope in my pocket. "I'll read it, but then you will have to leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you, or even know about you ever again. Okay?"

He looks away as he bites on his bottom lip. When he looks back up, his eyes were a bit glossy.

"In one condition," he whispers.

I roll my eyes. "I'm already gonna read the letter-"

"Then I guess I won't leave you alone." He smirks a little before I roll my eyes again. Can't this boy stop playing with me?

"Ugh fine. What is it?" I rudely say.

He bites on his nails before widely smiling at me. He then puts his hands behind his back before speaking. "I want you to hug me everyday for a whole week. Everyday will be a different place that you would hug me, so by the end of the week it will be seven hugs and seven different places."

Why does he want me to hug him everyday? And in different places? Well it doesn't matter as long as he leaves me alone forever after that.

"And..." I say as to make him continue what he was saying.

"...And I will then leave you alone.... forever." He looks down to his feet, and I swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

I felt my heart ache a little, but I pushed that feeling back. I walked away, leaving him all alone.

• • • •

Dear Katrine

I know that what I did is unforgivable. I will be honest, I was using you at the beginning that we started to speak. When we bumped into each other a few weeks ago, I saw that as a chance of how I could win money. I know it's messed up, but I started to be nice to you so that at the end I could capture your trust, and then be able to get in your pants.

I made a bet with a guy in my soccer team that the first person to have sex with the shyest girl in school, would win a huge amount of money. We then changed the bet into who can make you fall in love with us first, that way we could embarrass you in front of the whole school.

When I started to regain all the memories of us back when we were friends in our Freshman year, I lost it. I knew I couldn't hurt you the way I did years back. I called off the bet, and I wanted to spend every second with you.

That's when you found out about everything, and I swear I flipped out. I had no control, and I started to hate myself for everything.

As soon as I found out what happened with you and the boy I took the money from the bet, and I used it to pay for everything that you couldn't for Luke at the hospital.

I've lost so many people in my life, but they all meant nothing compared to you.

I'm not asking you to forgive me-- 'cause I know you won't-- but please hold me tight everyday for a whole week.

That's my last wish before I lose you forever.

Short chapter :/ Sorry for the grammar errors lol

Anyways would you forgive Niall?

Till next time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Love you

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