Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I slapped a guy. The guy who laughed at me as he invades my privacy. The guys who also turns out to be judgemental and anti-religious.

He called me pretentious and hypocrite. He accused me of teaching people on how to cheat. Does it matter? I guess it does.

Did he hurt my feelings? I wouldn't slap him and I wouldn't subtly cry if he didn't.

What he said was disrespectful and I get hurt when I'm being disrespected.

Do I care? I'd want to. But people like me don't have the time to care and think about the opinion of others— especially from a privileged guy like him— because I have a lot of more important things to do that I have to set aside the moment of my mental breakdown because it just doesn't fit my schedule.

I look down on my wrist watch. It's already 11:30 AM. I have work at 5-11 PM. I have to get at home as early as I can since I still have a lot of things to do. I have to arrange the groceries on the fridge, I have to cook, I have to clean the apartment, I have to do essays and powerpoint presentation for other people. I hope I could finish them all before 4 o'clock.

I look straight ahead the road, searching for jeepneys that I could ride on, but they're all full. Or maybe some don't just want to stop because they can see that I have two boxes of groceries in front of me, plus a small paper bag designated for detergent powders and everything that could form bubbles once soaked in water.

Commuters don't like it when they see another commuter rides on a jeep bringing boxes with them. I totally get it, but I hope sometimes people would learn on how to be considerate. If only I can afford a cab just to not encounter their annoyed faces everytime I ride on a jeep bringing boxes of groceries with me, I would.

"Mirae!" Brielle's voice pulls me out from my reverie. I shake my head to completely bring my senses back to earth and I saw a black car parked in front of me. Brielle's on the passenger seat while his brother— Eli was on the driver's seat.

My arms tightens around the paper bag when our eyes meet. His arms are resting on the steering wheel while he's eyeing me from the driver's seat.

I immediately ignore his gaze, bringing my full attention to Brielle.

"Hi, Brielle. Take care!" I say, smiling slightly at her.

She laughs. "What do you mean take care? You're coming with us."

My eyes grow wide. "What—no, no. It's alright," I immediately say, shaking my head. "I'll... I'll hail a cab." I lie. Brielle always tags me along with her on the way home after buying groceries, but I'm gonna have to say no today. I don't want to be inside a vehicle where Eli was there, too.

Brielle looks at me, slightly frowning. "Oh, come on, Mirae. We insist."

We? I don't know if Brielle was just being nice and considerate on behalf of his brother that she decided to add we, even if she's the only one who's insisting.

The man obviously hates me as much as I hate him.

Love your neighbor as you love yourself. I clench my fist as I remember this verse that they always teach in church.

"It's alright," I say, shaking my head and before I can even add another word, the driver's door opens, and there I see Eli hopping down of the car.

I watch him as he turns around the hood and now he's in front of me. I almost gasp at his presence. He's so tall that I have to tilt my chin up so that I could look at his face.

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