Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


How is it that you can be in a pure bliss and euphoria for the whole month and then the next thing you know, you're in a fucking limbo... again.

"Are you even listening to me, Eli?" It was my Mom's pissed off voice over the phone.

I push out a deep sigh. "Yes, I am. Copy that. Loud and clear."

"Ne me parlez pas sarcastiquement, Eliott!"


She's definitely pissed off and I'm absolutely vissè.

"I am not being sarcastic, Mom," I explain under my breath, rubbing my fingers against my forehead.

There was a few seconds of silence from the other line. I even heard how she lets out a deep sigh before saying, "Eli, please... isang taon na lang. One year and then you'll graduate. Please don't mess this up—not again. So, please, son. I just want you to graduate. Just get the degree, Eli. That's all I'm asking. Please don't make the same mistakes again because—"

"... you and Dad only wants what's best for me." I continued, cutting her off. "I know, Mom. I know... I want to be the best for the both of you, too and for your peace, dropping out has never been on one of my agendas aside from sleeping around, smoking my lungs to death, and drinking myself into oblivion." I say and I don't know if I said that because I'm a witty guy with a sense of humor or if it was because of sarcasm.

"Eliott!" She yells from the other line.

"I was kidding." I explain.

There was a silence from the other line.

She sighs. "I love you, Eli." That's the only thing that she said and no matter how sincere it was... it only added to the pile of guilt that I've buried inside my chest.

"I love you, too, Mom..." I reply, almost whispering before hanging the phone up.

I push my phone through the pocket of my jeans the same time the door from the Nursing's lab flied open. It was seven in the evening and I've been standing here outside, waiting for Mirae to come out.

I saw a lot of students in their white uniform, dwindling through the hallway as they speak to each other about how stressful this day was and all those kind of shit. My eyes kept looking at the door, searching for the woman that I've been dying to see.

I saw Beatrix and Jess, shooting me a playful look. "Lover boy," Jess nudged me by the shoulder.

"Colton's lover," I fire back, making sure my voice was low enough for her to be the only one to hear my sentence.

"Tang ina mo," was her sharp reply as she discreetly flips me the bird and I was too preoccupied with the woman who's currently walking towards me to even give a damn about that.

"Eli!" She gives me her biggest and brightest smile as she took frantic steps towards me, I didn't wait for her to stop in front of me. I took my own steps to meet her halfway and I immediately wrapped my arms around her, the same time she threw her arms around my nape.

"Hello, baby..." I whisper against her ear before discreetly pressing multiple kisses against her cheek.

"Pahiram naman ng jowa mo, Mirae!" One of her classmates cheered.

"Palasap naman ng yakap na 'yan!" And then another one.

Instead of being offended, Mirae just laughed at them and that's when I knew that I'm whipped and head over heels with her for the right reasons.

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