Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I stare at the toast and hot coffee served in front of me. I don't like coffee.

But I didn't tell her that.

I don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

Actually, I'm afraid to talk at all.

I'm afraid that one mistake and she'll start glaring at me again.

I was actually surprised that she invited me to come over despite how I acted like a douchebag at the supermarket. I'm even certain that I made her cry a little, and I won't be surprised if God will show up in my dreams tonight scolding me about making one of His angels cry.

Oh, fuck me.

I'm still pissed off at myself for being an idiot. Why would I overreact at something like that?

"Where is the..." I watch her as she keeps on whispering to herself, walking back and forth as puts the groceries to their designated area around their kitchen. She looks like she's in a rush. Like she's eager to get this unpacking done. "Oh, there it is." She whispers to herself when she finds the dishwashing liquid that was placed on the counter. She grabs and and put it on the side of the sink, just beside the sponge container.

She haven't talked to me at all afraid serving me breakfast. She just starts unpacking and rushing like a busy ant because the rainy season is about to approach.

I look down on the cup of coffee in between my hands. I decided to take a sip of it.

It's good.

I think I like it.

"Well, well, well, what's up with the stranger here in my kitchen?"

Mirae and I both freeze when we hear Shir— I still don't know her fucking name— I'll just go with Adrian's girlfriend's voice. Yes, that's right. She's from my behind. I tilt my head to look at him over my shoulder and she gasps when she see me.

"Eli?" She says, looking discombobulated. She's in her shirt and cotton shorts. She looks like she just woke up. That explains the dried drool on the side of her mouth and her hair that looks like a place where hurricane Gloria decided to drop by to sip some coffee before striking the northeastern United States.

Looking at her right now made me realized that Adrian is not playing this time. Man, this is his true love.

I hold a hand up greeting her with a curt, "Hey."

Her gaze shifts from mine to Mirae. "Oh my God!" She covers her mouth before drawing her gaze back to me, staring at me disbelievingly. "You're fucking my roommate? How could you do this to Mirae? She's still a baby!"

My eyes grow wide as I feel my body freeze like someone just spilled a bucket of ice water on me. What the fuck?

She looks up at Mirae like she betrayed her. "I thought you hate him because he's a disrespectful asshole? Remember? He ruined your time with your God?"

Well, now I look at Mirae who's now the same color as a fresh tomato.

She said that?

She doesn't really like me— oh, no, no. Dislike is a weak word, she hates me!

She even called me a disrespectful asshole.

Well, ouch.

Her mouth is hanging but no words are coming out. She looks embarrassed that I knew what she said behind my back, and as well as because of the things that are coming out from the mouth of her roommate.

The Art of Falling Apart (It Girls Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now