Chapter 15

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Chapter 15



One word. Four letters.

That's what I could only think of while I'm lying on my bed. It's ten in the evening and I've been exhausted all day from all the assignments and shit that I did in an attempt to distract myself. Hell, I even wrote my essays for one of my GE subjects that are due next week. Next fucking week.

Me. Eli Ponce de Leon, the king of procrastination, finished all my essays due next week. Is the world ending?

I guess it is.

My world is ending.

It's a world where women fall on my knees and worship the ground I walk on. A world where I can get inside any willing pussy I want any day of the week, any time I want. A world where I am the center, the motherfucking king. A world that I rule and control with every minimal movement of my fingers.

A world where I don't chase women because women chase me.

And now I can see all of that slowly disappearing like thin air.

It's the end of my fucking world.

Because Amor Miraceli came rushing down like a massive and burning asteroid breaking my world and my old ways combined into pulp and debris.

She ended my world.

And then she sucked me in and brought me into a foreign place where she's everywhere and she's everything. Mirae is like the rays of the sun. She occupies and she ricochets.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Asks Brielle who's in front of her laptop. We're both sitting on the porch swing. She's actually got here first, I just decided to sit beside her— which took a lot of persuading because this devil's minion was acting like sitting beside her is like committing fraud, theft, illegal dealings, and murder.

She hates my presence.

I grin, looking at her. "Are you sure you're my sister?"

Her brows meet as if my question confused her.

"You're asking if I'm alright," I shrug.

"Would you rather I ask you to fuck off? I can do that, too— in fact I've been doing it the second you sat beside me."

"Hey!" I frown. "You are not allowed to say fuck, you little imp! You are sixteen!" I hiss.

"You lost your virginity when you were sixteen," the devil's spawn points out, making my mouth drop and my back shoot up straight.

"So hypocrite of you to say I can't say the word fuck when you've been fucking since you were sixteen."

"How the fuck did you know that— and that's not the point here! It's different!"

Her eyes turn into slits. "Oh, because I'm a girl?" The sarcasm was very palpable in her voice.

"No, it's because you are my little sister so you can't fuck or say fuck until you're fucking thirty-five."

She lets out an exasperated sigh before throwing her hands in the air. "God, what kind of unforgivable crime that I committed in my past life that I had to be your sister as my damn punishment?"

I roll my eyes. "OA," I say, snorting as I rest my back against the porch swing, tilting my head up to look at the stars. There's not a lot of them tonight, but despite how less they may appear than usual, still, I couldn't count them.

Mirae says her God can count them and that he also calls them by name.

Ah, shit. Mirae. Again.

Mirae this, Mirae that.

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