Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


It's been a week since the last time that I saw Eli. And that's a good thing because I really have no idea how to face him after accusing him of being... nasty.

I am so ashamed for thinking that he was propositioning me when he's just trying to help. God, I don't know how I end up being like this. I was never the judgmental type.

But I guess I don't have the time to contemplate about the mistake that I made weeks ago since I have to get out of this apartment and make my way to school.

Carrying the bag that contains my medical materials, I jog out of my room and gave Sheryl's door a soft knock and say, "I gotta go! I'll see you tonight!"

I know she won't hear me because that woman sleeps like a log, but I just find it rude if I just leave without bidding a simple goodbye.

I double my pace as I cross the narrow street that leads to the main road where there's a convenient store on my right and Jeepneys stopping by to pick up some students. It took me just fifteen minutes until I arrived at school.

The nursing's laboratory is still closed and all my classmates are dwindling outside wearing the same complete uniform as mine.

Fixed hair, stockings, watches, ID, nameplates, and of course, the PHN Bags. Forget one of those stated above and you'll get screwed up by your clinical instructor.

And that explains why Beatrix, my classmate, is panicking right now.

She's been pacing back and forth as she chews the skin of her finger.

"You dumbass! Why would you forget the bag? You know how terror your CI is!" Jess—her best friend—spats.

I adore their friendship.

These two are inseparable. If one goes down, one will willingly go down with her. Cutest and purest friendship that I've ever seen.

I wish I could have someone that I can call my best friend, too.

"I thought I placed it inside my backpack last night! But it turns out that the memory that I picked happened two weeks ago," she says.

"Jesus Christ!" Jess hisses, throwing her arms in air.

"Come on, let's go, dumbass!"

"Where are we going?"

"We're going back to your house!"

Beatrix smiled and giggled, "Aw that is so sweet, but that's not gonna work. We're going to be late, let's just call my cousin." She says and then she fished her phone from her pocket, scrolled for a few seconds until she's pressing the phone on her ear.

"Hello, Eli? Are you on the way to school?"

I swallow and my fingers tighten around the handle of my bag the second I hear his name. Eli? Is this the Eli that I know?

I guess not. There is a lot of Eli in this world. Even in the bible there is a prophet named Eli.

But they both have the same surname! Eli Ponce de Leon and Beatrix Ponce de Leon!

"Mirae," one of my classmates caught my attention, pulling it away from Beatrix.

I smile. "Hey."

"Are you done writing the expository essay about herbals due on Monday?" she asks.

I nod. I wrote that the same day our professor assigned it.  I do not have the privilege to procrastinate.

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