Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


"So... this is me," I say, smiling at Eli as I point my thumb behind me. He was still standing in front of me, wearing his uniform, holding the lanyard of his ID on other hand while he uses the other to carry my things.

Civil Engineering.

It was written on the lanyard, all bold and capital letters. And on the upper part, there was a lion printed, the animal that represents their course while ours was a graceful phoenix.

Eli smiles handing me my PHN bag. His classes starts at nine and yet here he is, 6:30 in the morning. He always shows up at five AM at my apartment just so that he could drive me to our university. I told him he doesn't have to do that but he keeps on insisting. 

"Have fun learning about chlamydia and shit, Amor Miraceli... I'll see you at your vacant." He smirks.

Natawa ako nang bahagya. "Bye, silly. Have fun learning about your semento and craps." I fire back, accepting the bag.

A soft and sexy chuckle rose from his throat. "I will," he says, his eyes begins glazing over my features, with that soft left over smile on his face.

"Have I already told you how I fucking love you in that uniform?" He says, his voice was low and have I already told him how I love and hate it when he's talking that way?

It was sexy and beautiful and it never fails to make the butterflies in my stomach dance wild.

"No..." I reply, swallowing the forming lump against my throat.

His gaze catches mine and I almost fall on my knees with the way he looks at me... it's like I'm the purest and the most beautiful thing that he's ever looked at and it hurts... not in a good way. Not in any pleasant way as it should.

He grins. "Well now you know."

I gave him a faint smile. "Bye, Eli." I say, my voice was vague.

He nods. "Text mo 'ko kapag vacant mo na. Punta na 'kong Univ Lib." Bilin niya bago niya ako tinalikuran.

Sakto namang pagtalikod niya ay ang biglang pagbukas ng pintuan.

I tilt my head over my shoulder just to see Beatrix, staring at Eli who's now four feet apart.

"Was that my fucking cousin?" She asks, shooting me a discombobulated stare with her eyes, narrowed.

I was standing at the threshold of the Nursing's lab with the door opened, because apparently, Jess and her were about to go out.

"He does looks like your fucking cousin," Jess confirmed, grinning.

I subtly swallow before confirming. "Y-Yes... that was Eli." I give her an awkward smile.

"What is he..." she paused. "Are you..." she points at me. "And him..." she pointed to the direction where Eli went.

I open my mouth, no words coming out. I don't even know how to respond to her— I don't even understand what she's trying to imply.

"Oh my God!" she gasps, putting a palm over her mouth as she takes my silence as a yes to whatever she's concluding.

"Mirae... naur!" She waves a hand towards me and she looks defeated and  like she's about to cry.

"You do know that my cousin is a manslut, right? That fucking is his profession and he's dedicated?"

I looked at her, perplexed.

And then I looked at Jess, asking for help.

What is going on?

"Oh, she was just concerned for your well-being because apparently, all the women who dated Eli had to go to therapy after the relationship was over." Jess explains and that confused me even more! It even scared me for a bit.

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