Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


It's been two weeks since Eli left the apartment. Two weeks since the last time that I talked to him. I don't even know why I'm counting. I don't even know why I always stare at the exact spots in our university where I usually see him.

I don't even know why I'm hoping that everytime I hear a knock on my door, it's his face that I would see after I open it.

I wanted this. I pushed him away.

But why do I suddenly want to put everything in reverse just so that I could pull him towards me and never let him go?

But reality check, there's no reverse button in life that you could press once you realized how you screwed up. Of all people I should be the one who know that better than anyone else because I've done terrible things in my life that aren't reversible.

"You look sad."

I shake my head, forcibly pulling myself out of my trance the second I hear a familiar voice. I saw a silhouette of a man, sitting against the bar that's in front of me. I had to blink twice so I could see the man clearly and it was Raj, wearing a navy blue shirt and a million dollar smile.


"I said can I get a fresh strawberry milkshake and one platter of cheesesticks," He said, grinning.

I snort. "That's not what you said, but okay... fresh strawberry milkshake and one platter of cheese sticks, coming right up," I say, tapping my fingers against the counter but before I could take steps towards the kitchen, Cooper came, tapping Raj on the shoulder before sitting down beside him.

"Hi, Daddy." Raj greeted him, grinning as he runs a palm against Cooper's broad chest.

Cooper just flipped his middle finger against Raj while grinning and slightly giving him a push on the shoulder. I was about to look away and go when Cooper suddenly shifted his gaze towards mine.
I freeze from where I am standing, but I breathed in and breathed out before forcing out a faint smile.

"Can I get you something?" I ask him, trying to act casual as I can.

"Uhm," he hums, shooting his gaze to the menu above me. "I'll have grilled cheese and lemon iced tea. Thanks." He says, still looking at the menu. I jotted his order on my mini pad before leaving them on the counter.

Nakahinga lang ako nang maluwang na makalayo na ako. I hate that I always get uncomfortable with Cooper's presence. I hate that I just couldn't get over it. I hate... I hate this.

Cooper might have already forgotten about it. He never took it against me. He's not guilt tripping me for it. So why can't I just forget about it?

Why do I always allow it to haunt me?


Wala masyadong tao sa loob ng diner ngayong gabi. It was only Raj and Cooper so I decided to offer the help that the chef would need.

When we're done preparing, Dewayne took over to serve his friends' order. I noticed him looking at me, warily.

"What is it, Dewayne?" I ask him, wiping my palms against the apron that I just removed.

"Your friends are outside the diner... and your boyfriend, too. He doesn't look okay."

His statement woke every sleeping nerve and senses in my body. "What?"

I take a step forward, eager to here a profound detail.

"What happened? What do you mean he doesn't look okay?" I asked, my heart thumping against my chest.

The Art of Falling Apart (It Girls Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now