Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


He's been holding my wrist for three firm seconds that felt like an hour. His palm and fingers are warm around my skin.

So does his eyes.

The way they stare at mine right now.

It's been five seconds now.

I'm not gonna lie, the little chat that we had a while ago made me sort of feel comfortable around him. Like maybe there's a chance that we could start again at the right foot, because I can feel that Eli is a good person.

I think he's more than that pompous and arrogant way of how he carries himself.

I look at his face again, trying to figure out why he's still holding my wrist. His lips are quite ajar and he looks as if there's a war that's going on inside of him.

He looks at me in the eyes and then he presses his lips together, the same time I feel his hand sliding through my palm.

He put something inside my palm and then he squeezes his fingers around the back of my hand as if he's teaching me on how to hold onto what he put inside the palm of my hand.

When he makes sure that I'm holding onto it, he releases my hand and I take that time to briefly look down on my fisted hand and then to his face after.

I shot him a confused stare, but he's just looking at me with an expression that I couldn't read.

Once again, I look down on my fisted hand, flip it around and then when I spread my fingers apart, it felt like someone just splashed an ice cold water on my face.

It's a blue bill.

Rolled blue bill.

I use my other hand to take it and unroll it just to find out that he gave me three blue bills. That's right. Three thousand.

I clench my teeth as I look up to him and trying not to sound shaky, I say to him, "What's this?"

I see his Adam's apple bobbed down and wetting his bottom lip he replies, "Sheryl and Adrian told a little about your story I just want to help..."

I'm not gonna lie, I feel disappointed right now. I thought Eli is somehow... different from the other guys out there, but, God, I was wrong.

He's just one them.

He's one of those men who uses his money to exert his authority over women.

Women like me.

Women who have nothing.

Women who doesn't have a choice.

But the only difference is now I have a choice, and that is to not repeat the same dumb decision that I made before.

"I don't need your help!" I hiss, crumpling and then throwing his money on his face as I feel my chest heaving up and down because of anger, disappointment, and hatred.

The Art of Falling Apart (It Girls Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now