Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I have no idea what time Eli and I fell asleep but I can still vividly remember when I asked him to stay... I didn't know where I got the courage to do that, maybe it's because I was too d to even feel ashamed of it.

I didn't even have to ask Eli twice, I remember him smiling as he lies down beside me, pulling me closer to him so that I could lie on his chest.

I remember putting my arm over his waist and inhaling his scent, I remember him pressing his mouth on top of my head while stroking my arm with the warmth of his palm until we both fell deeply asleep, contented and at ease.

And now I'm here... still lying beside him, my back pressed against his hard and broad chest, his arms wrapped around my waist, feeling his warmth and feeling him breathe from behind me.

I smile... I could use to waking up like this everyday. With him by my side, the warmth of his body caging mine, and his natural manly scent mixing with his cologne, infiltrating my nostrils— I could get use to all these things that screams Eli Ponce de Leon.

I slowly turn around so that I could watch the sleeping Eli... except that he's not sleeping. He's wide awake, eyes open, watching me, absorbing me, with the sexiest grin that I've ever seen plastered on his mouth.

"You're awake?"

"Since fifteen minutes ago..." he says, his smirk not leaving his face.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because I'm not an idiot," he replies, pulling me even closer to him. I then felt his lips against my forehead. "Good morning, sleepy head," he greeted and then he slightly backed away so that he could look at my face.

"Tinulugan mo ako kagabi," aniya. "We were at the part where Joseph was sold by his freaking brothers! I thought Bible was all about bread, wine, savior, Jesus Christ, and everything nice but what the hell was that? That's just pure cruelty." Shock and frustration was palpable in his voice and features and I can't help but to chuckle.

"You know, my sister gets on my last nerve on a daily basis and I always tease her about wanting to sell her in the black market but I would never ever do that!" He kept on ranting and it takes everything in me not to pinch his cheeks because of how cute he was.

"Relax, you haven't gotten to the best part yet. I like Joseph The Dreamer's story, even though it always makes me cry... mamaya ituloy natin basahin and you'll see why it has to happen." I tell him.

"Really? That story has a best part?"

"Any story that was written by God always has the best part," I tell him. He hasn't reach the part yet where Joseph would be like the king, He hasn't reach the part yet where Joseph would rescue his descendants in the middle of a famine... and that wouldn't happen if God didn't allow Joseph to be sold by his brothers.

"Now let's get up so I could make you a breakfast... and so that you could go home."

He dramatically gasps. "Wow. I'm wounded. She's kicking me out of her apartment."

"I'm not! Ang OA nito. Baka kasi hinahanap ka na sa inyo. Hindi ka umuwi kagabi," I tell him.

I noticed how his face changes but he quickly covered it up with a faint grin. "Sinanay ko na ang mga 'yon. Sa umpisa lang naman sila magagalit, e. Pero kapag dinalasan mo na ang pag bubulakbol, masasanay na sila. Life hacks 101," he winks.

"Gusto mo tumira pa 'ko dito, eh. Baka nga may lima na tayong anak, hindi pa nila napansin na wala ako sa bahay." He suggests.

I playfully pinch him on his arm.

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