Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Sometimes, life will put you in a situation where you just want to scream. Or sometimes it would leave you in a situation where you cannot choose between wanting to kill yourself or wanting to just kill the people around you.

On some days, I'm tempted to do the first option— which is killing thy self, but now... God, forgive me, but I really do want to knock off the air out of the lungs of this man staring at me from across the table. What is he doing here?

What kind of torture is this, God? Are my endless sufferings and unstable mental health aren't enough?

"Mirae..." I blink as the presence of Dewayne in front of me pulls me out of my trance.

I shake my head to pull myself together, and smiling with a sigh I say, "Oh, yeah... Orders. Right away. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he nods. "Cathy called you again?" he added with a grin.

I nod. "Yep. I loove being a suck up." I joke before walking past him. I even hear him laugh because he knew that I am not definitely sucking up.

Anyway, back to cruel reality. Despite me feeling unseasy because I can still feel his gaze all over me, I managed to put up an unbothered but a pretty friendly face the second I get to my favorite booth occupied by my least favorite person in the world.

The guys stopped talking and now four of them are looking at me.

They are all insanely attractive I must say. I never seen three of this men before. Are these Eli's friends? Either way, they look more decent compared to him.

Or maybe he looks decent, too.

It's just that deep down I know that he isn't that's why it's affecting his superficial through my sight.

"Hi, welcome to Cathy's diner! May I take your order?" I ask, smiling at them politely.

I look at the person sitting across Eli to avoid his gaze, his presence, and the fact that he's here, but the way he's looking at me right now makes it impossible not to feel him because his eyes were like hands.

I feel them.

Even when he's not touching me.

God, I hope he stops staring at me.

I hope he stops staring at me.

Just give me toothache.

I'd rather have toothache than to have this man staring at me for five more seconds.

And I hate having toothaches!

That's the thing that I despise the most because when you have a toothache, everywhere hurts.

Eli is like a toothache. I feel him everywhere.
And that is not a nice metaphor to use by the way.

See? See what he's doing to me? God!

I hate him.

"Well, at least the new waitress is nice." The voice coming from a man sitting beside Eli  pulled me out of my trance.

Is he pertaining to me?

I see Eli looked at him with confusion, too. "You've been here before, Colton?" He asks him. I have no idea if he's been here, too. I never saw him before. The only man I am familiar with on this table is Eli.

The guy named Colton grin and then he looks at the man from across Eli. "Yep. A few times, but your brother practically lives here before. Right, Kiel?"

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