Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"Hey there, Amor Miraceli."

It was a simple greeting that managed to wreak havoc in the deepest part of both my body and soul. I don't even know why... up until now I still can't figure out why Eli's presence and the way he says my name makes my heart flip and flutter, that's why I stopped trying.

I quickly take him in. He's wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, plain white T-shirt, and Nike slides. He looks like someone who's ready to go tuck himself on his bed, but for some reason... he's right here standing in front of me.

And he's looking at me, smilinlg that soft smile that I didn't even know he's capable of giving. Considering how rough and pompous his demeanor was.

He's the kind of arrogant d-bag in a hit Netflix series that everybody still loves.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, smiling a little as I take few hesitant steps towards him. I am not in my best state right at this moment. I just woke up (their noises woke me up) and I know that my hair is unruly and I have probably a dried saliva on the side of my mouth.

I don't know.

Why didn't I even bother checking myself in the mirror before going out of the apartment?

God, I'm even wearing a matching baby blue Hello Kitty pajamas.

Hello Kitty!

There's a full grown woman wearing a Hello Kitty pajamas in front of him.

How embarrassing is that?

"Do you..." I begin. "Do you wanna go inside?"

His gaze went towards the entrance of our apartment and then he frowns. "No. I respectfully, peacefully, and solemnly refuse  to hear their moans and groans, thank you very much." He says, making me laugh a little.

"Judgmental mo naman. What if they're just... talking?" I suggest, my smile still not dropping.

"Your devil of a minion friend blatantly admitted that she's horny. Magpapapako ako sa krus ng nakabaligtad kapag ang dalawang 'yan ay nag-uusap lang. Hindi marunong mag talk ang dalawang 'yan, alam lang nila puro kantalk."

"Eli!" I shrieked, taking steps towards him and I swear, I almost... almost covered his potty mouth with my hand.

He arches a brow and then a low yet sexy chuckle begins rising from his throat. "Oh, Miraceli... your reactions are always priceless."

I frown a little. "Ano ba kasi ang ginagawa mo dito? Disoras na ng gabi."

His laugh slowly died down but the faint left over smile on his lips remained as he eyes me. "I..." He stops, running his tongue in between his lips. "I couldn't sleep." He finally said.

"Oh," I say, nodding my head a little. "Sheryl has a bottle of melatonin pills. That'll help you sleep. Do you want me to get you one or two?" I suggest.

He just purse his lips before slightly shaking his head. "No, I'm good. Thank you."

There's another pause and silence between the two of us and I noticed how he's staring at me, taking me in. I felt the heat against my cheeks, invading my skin like never before.

He finally realized...

"I like the pajamas. They're cute..." he comments, a small grin drawing across his lips.

I frown and I felt the heat against my cheeks getting hotter than before. "Please, Eli... don't make this embarrassing for me than it already was."

He smiles, revealing a faint dimple on the corner of his mouth. It was too subtle and too faint, you won't even recognize it the first few times you hang out with Eli. I'm actually noticing it now.

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