Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I finally got her number.

I finally got her number!

God, is it weird if I say that I want to hop on top of a table and dance like how Chandler Bing did when he found out that Monica Geller pertains to him as the best sex she's ever had?

Damn it. I feel like a teenager who cupped two breasts for the first time! This is ridiculous. I'm ridiculous.

I don't care.

I smile as I recall how I finally had her number. 

"Is this what you always do when you can't sleep at night?" Mirae suddenly asked.

We were both lying under the same night sky, the side of our heads, pressed together.

We were so close that I could inhale her coconut and vanilla scent and I swear to God, it's making my head spin.

I shake my head internally, attempting to pull myself out from my reverie. "Huh?"

A low and modest chuckle rose from her throat.

God, I love the sound of her laughs. Is this how angels laugh when St. Peter cracks a joke about chickens in heaven?

"Ang sabi ko, ganito ba talaga 'yung ginagawa mo kapag hindi ka makatulog?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, my brows creasing.

"This." She said. "Knocking on a girl's apartment door and taking her in one of your properties in the middle of the night."

I tilt my head on the side to look at her. She was still staring at the stars, her exquisite brown eyes almost glimmering. Dear God, is she aware of how beautiful she is?

"You want an honest-to- God answer?"

"Please," she nods, still not looking at me.

"Well," I exhale a sharp sigh. "On normal nights when I couldn't sleep, I knock on any willing girl's apartment door and..."

She tilts her head to look at me. She was so close.

So close that the tip of her nose almost touched mine.

"And?" She pressed.

"And then we're going to have sex..." I blatantly said, not wanting to lie or sugarcoat what a dick I was.

I looked at her face, she has an expression that I couldn't decipher.

"Here?" She asks after a few moments of silence.

I shake my head. "No. I've never brought anyone here." I tell her, honestly. "And as much as how thrilling must be to have sex in this private vicinity, I prefer fucking in bed..." I say, grinning a little and I noticed how instantly her face went crimson red.

My grin grew wider. "... sometimes in the bathroom, or on the floor, or sometimes inside the car when I'm up for it—"

"Stop. Shh!" She protest, putting her hand over my mouth. I choke out a laugh when I noticed how red her face is right now.

But I stopped from laughing the second I smelled her coconut and vanilla scent once again, stronger this time.

I couldn't help but to emit a guttural sound as I wrap my fingers around her wrist to remover her hand over my mouth. "What is that?" I ask, putting the skin above her wrist on my nose, trying to find where the scent was coming from.

Ah, bingo!

"Damn," I moan, burying my nose against her skin. "I love this scent. What is this?" I ask, looking at her.

The Art of Falling Apart (It Girls Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now