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The celebration 🥀

"Dad....." Tae yell from the out side of their house while stepping inside.
"Give me my bike key back".
De-hyung turn the newspaper page, too unbothered by his son's ear bleeding voice at this morning.
Today is weekend so they don't have to go to the office so having a restful day is something what De-hyung and Namjoon always want.

All family members gather for breakfast except Tae. Waking up early is something what is strictly forbidden in Tae's lifestyle unless his mother or someone else drag him out from his bed.
When Tae finally wake up and come down stairs that time he found his father, reading newspaper, Arum talking with his Auntie.

Nuri playing with her toys by sitting on the floor, first thing he did was caressing Nuri. He really love this little fluffy ball by his all heart. Nuri is the center of attention, the heart of their family. He could never forgot the day when Nuri was born, it's was the most happiest day of his life. Tae never saw his father, mother, his whole family that much happy before.

When Nuri saw Tae her face immediately got filled with a huge smile then spread her tiny hands up at her uncle by leaving her all the toys behind. Tae also took her in his embrace then went to ate breakfast. He make Nuri sit on a chair beside him and secretly stole some glances of his father, he expected some angry reactions from De-hyung for yesterday but he saw nothing. Getting ignore by the boss of this house is something what never gave Tae good vibes.

" There must be something fishy...
Isn't it.. Junior Kim... " Tae whisper to himself but flinch when Arum's voice interrupted.

"I also feel the same junior Kim... " Arum utter with a tight smile.
" I'm watching dad since morning he is too relax then usual and..." Tae complete her sentence.

"....And it's definitely not good for me" Arum nodd when the maid serve Tae his breakfast.
" BTW where is hyung.. Maybe he knows something..."

"Your hyung.." Arum talk while rolling her eyes.. " Don't even mention.. He went to visit the new hotel side early morning"
Tae laugh with full mouth.
"Don't laugh.. " Arum glance at him " he supposed to take me to visit my parents house today.. He promised me" She talk with a sad face.
"I don't know what emergency suddenly comes up...."

" Yeah.. Don't be upset" Tae said while chewing the food. "You know how hyung is... He is just too workaholic.. What to do... "

" That's not mean he always forget about family.." Arum answer with a upset tone.

"Ok ok.. Fine.. " Tae talk by putting down his fork and knife. "No need to be upset, so what my brother didn't give you time, I'll give you darling..." He wink at her.
"My all the time is only yours...."

"Drama king.." Arum roll her eyes...
"Yeah yeah I know you don't have any music show this week and Riho also out of country so don't try your stupid acts on me" Tae laugh loudly.

"You know me too well, I have to admit it"

"Now eat and get lost where ever you are willing to go.." She said while taking her daughter upstairs.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you to your parents house??? " Tae ask the walking figure and she just nodd with a small smile then went upstairs.
" I seriously need to have a serious conversation with hyung, he just can't upset my best friend..." Tae thought then went outside.


"Who the hell locked my Queen...." Tae yell when he found his motorbike locked.
He clearly remember last night he parked his bike outside of the garage then told the driver to take it inside and like usual he left the key there but who the fuck dare to lock it.
By hearing his voice the drivers ran there immediately.

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