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Shades of emotions 🥀

"Guys, I have a bad news!! " Riho uttered, gaining the attention of the other two.

"What happened again??" Roy asked.

"It's Kim's father" Riho informed, "He is hospitalised".

" WHAT!! "The other two reacted in chorus.


" why suddenly??" Kook questioned, "Is he alright??".

" I don't know much, Kim wasn't in such a condition to talk in detail. I just know Mr Kim is in the hospital and he was being examined at that time" Riho explained.

"Ohh, I see!!" Roy nodded.

"But what I should do now?? I'm getting worried about Kim, you guys don't know but he is a bit sensitive about his father " Riho asked in confusion.

"What else, you should go there if you are that concerned" Roy uttered.

"Go there!! Me?? Alone!!!" Riho gulped, "No way!! I'm not going".

" why not?? you going to be their family member in future so why not try to act like one??" Kook said, "This way, you will be able to get a bit closer to their family and you won't be concerned about your boyfriend too".

" That's true!! but I'm not going" Riho shook his head, and sat beside his brother, "What I say or do?? It'll be awkward to stand there alone, nope I'm not going".

" Hyung, come on" Kook tried to cheer him up, "don't be afraid, you can do it".

" Yeah, I know I can do it only if I'm not alone," Riho said.

"You won't be alone, Taehyung will be there, won't he??" Roy talked.

"Still!! I need someone who I know".

" means??".

"I mean, you two should come with me".

" NO WAY" the answer comes in chorus startling Riho.

"Please, I'm begging".

" Nope," Roy looked away.

"Ohh!! I suddenly remember I haven't completed my assignment" Kook got up, "I should take my leave" he started to walk away from the room.

"But you are on vacation" Riho interrupted.

"Nope, if you remember hyung I am ditching my classes for you so I still need to submit my papers before the deadline" Kook explained.

"But still, you can manage".

" sorry".

"And what about you Roy??" Riho questioned his sister.

"Yeah, I also have some files to check" Roy joined her brother.

"And you suddenly remember that too??" Roy nodded with a forced smile.
How can you two leave me like that???" Riho complained, "come back, don't hang me here, please" he pleaded,
"Roy, Judy please!!".

They thought they escaped from being dragged into the awkward situation until both Roy and Kook found themselves in the car heading to the hospital to meet Kims.
Riho almost ate the two siblings' heads in such a short time until they gave up and agreed to tag along.

" if something happens we are not taking responsibility" Roy warned his brother,
"You will handle father".
Riho looked at Kook in hope but he immediately turned his head to the road.

What If This Path Never End [Vkook FF]Where stories live. Discover now