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"You did what!!!?" A shocked voice echoed all over the restaurant, gaining a lot of unwanted attention.
People there oddly stared at the couple who created the situation.
"Are you out of your mind Kim???" the voice keep increasing higher than needed until one waitress had reminds him they are disturbing their other customers.

"Sir, please keep your voice down " she politely requested.

"We are so sorry " Tae apologised right away, " Sorry for offending everyone" The waitress smiled and then left, other customers also mind their own businesses.

"Keep it down Riho, we are in public" Tae reminds his furious boyfriend.

" you did not leave any choice for me Kim, are you fucking nuts??" Riho angrily pronounced.

"I had no options left Riho. It was them or you, then what do you expect me to do??" Tae responded back.

"You should have at least discussed with me before taking the big step Kim, you just can't be so casual with our future. You just can't ruin everything" the elder one accused.

"I'm being casual with our future??" Tae repeated the line in surprise, "You are accusing me?? If you forget let me remind you Jeon Riho you were never there for me when I need you the most and here you are blaming me for taking decisions alone, wow!! " Tae lost his patients.

His mind stopped working when Riho misunderstood him then the charges against him were the end of his tolerance.
The necessity of proving his father's prediction wrong was stopping him from thinking straight and his hope for Riho's support broke within a blink which Tae did not expect.
He left his everything for his boyfriend but that person hasn't tried to understand him for a second, that broke his heart.

"You know what Riho, I'm done," Tae said the word, which the elder never thought of hearing from his boyfriend,
" I'm done with you and all of these things " he got up, and stormed out of the restaurant and there Riho lost it.
He realised his dilemma. If he did not stop his boyfriend right now he'll be messed up big.

His future plans, his dreams everything will be crashed, and he'll be doomed if he did not stop Tae and Jeon Riho will never let that happen.
He has to send tae back to his house so he can get there in future.
If Kim Taehyung disappears from the Kim industry then how he'll convince his father?

His dream of being with someone who can be equal to him will be forever a fantasy and this much damage the ambitious guy could not buy.
So he decided quickly that no matter what it takes he'll fixed everything.

After paying the bill when Riho went outside Tae was long gone.
He tried to call him but that was useless so the only option was left that meeting tae in person.
Without wasting time Riho took his car to heading toward Tae's apartment.


" why you left me there!!! " That's the first thing Riho uttered after entering the room.
He found his boyfriend standing on his balcony leaning against the bars, inhaling the smoke stick by staring at the clouded sky.

He failed to understand the unspoken words which were visible in his eye, he failed to notice the shaken breaths which was hidden under the fume.
Those sobbing which was held behind his trembled lip.
Riho neglected the sorrow tae was going through, alone.

"And see, you only care about that" Tae talked back, not minding to look at Riho.

"Kim, listen to me..." He started but Tae cut him.

What If This Path Never End [Vkook FF]Where stories live. Discover now