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I know I published this a while ago, but I really have no motivation to finish this story so I'm just gonna change the end slightly

Go read my other Mando story I guess?

Y/N's P.O.V.

The female Mandalorian helped us escape the tunnels to the underground river.
Mando resumed his position by my side, once again holding onto my waist.

"The ferry droid is fried." Mando muttered and I sighed. There goes our escape plan.

"Yes, but, we push the boat out... we can get it to flow downstream." Mando protested and Greef scoffed.
"You got a better idea?"

"Guess not." Once again, Mando let go of me and I assumed he and Greef began pushing the boat and they both grunted with effort.

"Push!" Greef commanded and there was a bang, making me flinch.
"Come on, what are you doing?"

"Let's try this." There was a loud scrape and Cara sighed dramatically.

"You guys mind getting out of the way?" She asked, before something was pushed against me and the child cooed in my arms. Blaster fire erupted and an arm wrapped around my torso, pulling me back.

"Thanks." I muttered as the blaster fire stopped.

"No problem." Mando muttered from behind me.

"You two have time to be cute later, let's go." Greef spoke up.

"Watch your feet, it's molten lava." IG11 announced as Mando helped me into the boat. The child babbled away, making me laugh weakly. Familiar beeps of a droid caught everyone's attention and once again Mando tightened his hold on me.
He's just protecting the kid. I thought to myself as the droid continued to beep.
"I believe he is asking where we would like to go."

"Down river. To the lava flats." Greef replied and Mando seemed to relax slightly.
The boat moved slowly, but after a short while, Greef spoke up again.
"That's it! We're free!"

"No... no we're not." Mando replied.
"Stormtroopers are flanking the mouth of the tunnel. Looks like an entire platoon. They must know we're coming."

"Stop the boat." Cara ordered.
"Hey, droid, I said stop the boat!" The droid beeped and there was a crash.

"That doesn't sound good." I muttered to no one in particular.

"She blew the droids dome off." Greef explained.
"And we're still moving."

"Looks like we fight." Cara said.

"There are too many." Mando replied.
"Even if Y/N had her sight..."

"Then what do you suggest, because I can't surrender?" Cara demanded and I looked in her direction.

"We fight and they kill us all." I muttered.
"If we surrender, it's the same result."

"They will not be satisfied with anything less than the child. This is unacceptable." IG11 perked up.
"I will eliminate the enemy and you will escape."

"You don't have that kind of fire power, pal." Mando tightened his hold on me again.
"You wouldn't even get to daylight."

"That is not my objective." I looked in the droid's direction. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the child?

"We're getting close, saddle up." Cara announced, making me sit down.
"Keep low, keep the kid safe."

"I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs are compromised, I must self destruct." 

"I thought we went over this already?" I half joked.
"Self destructing is a big no."

"I'm not permitted to be captured, I must be destroyed." IG11 elaborated.

"Are we gonna keep talking or are we gonna get out of here?" I glared at Greef, or where I assumed he'd be.

"I can no longer look after this for you." IG11 placed something down.
"Nor can I watch over the child."

"Wait, you can't self destruct, your base command is to look after the child. That supersedes your manufacturers protocol, right?" Mando almost sounded desperate.

"This is correct. However-" Mando and the droid continued to argue and the child in my arms began to fuss.

"Shh, it's okay." I muttered, but he just fussed more.

"Y/N L/N, look after the child." IG11 ordered, before Greef called his name. There was a hissing sound as the droid stepped into the lava and a few moments later there was an explosion.

"We're almost out, get ready." Cara muttered and I grabbed my blaster. The sound of a imperial fighter ship caught my attention and I looked up, despite not being able to see anything.
"It's Moff Gideon!" We all began to fire, but it was futile.

"He missed!" Greef laughed.

"He won't next time." Mando muttered, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Our blasters are useless!" Cara voiced my thoughts.

"Hey, let's make the baby do the magic hands. Come on baby! Do the magic hand thing!" Greef shouted enthusiastically, making the child giggle.
"I'm out of ideas."

"I'm not." There was a series of clicks and I frowned in confusion.

"Here he comes!" Cara yelled.

"What's happening?" I asked hesitantly.

"Mando is flying." Greef muttered and I pulled a face.
"He's... flying." Cara took the child from me whilst Greef helped me out of the boat. There was an explosion from up in the sky, then another somewhere far off to my right.
"That was impressive, Mando. Very impressive. Looks like your kill rates have just gone up."

"Anymore stormtroopers?" Mando asked and Cara chuckled.

"I think we cleaned up the town." She happily replied.
"I think I'll stick around, just to be sure." 

"You're staying here?" Mando asked.

"Well, why not?" Greef laughed.
"Nevarro is a very fine planet. And now that the scum and villainy has washed away, it's very respectable."

"As a bounty hunter hive?" I asked in amusement.

"Some of my favourite people are bounty hunters!" Greef patted my shoulder and I rolled my eyes.
"Perhaps, this specimen of soldier might consider joining our ranks."

"Yeah... no." Cara laughed.

"You two, my friends, you will be welcomed back into the guild with open arms, so go off, enjoy yourselves, and when you're ready to return... you'll have the pick of all quarries."

"I'm afraid Y/N and I have more pressing matters at hand." Mando replied and the child cooed.

"Take care of this little one." Cara whispered.

"Or maybe, it will take care of you." Greef chuckled. Greef nudged me forward and Mando handed me the child, his arm wrapping around my back once again.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly.

"I'm still pretty blind." I shrugged.

"I'm fine."

"How do you plan on us getting back to the ship?" I asked curiously. I had no idea where we were, but I knew that we were nowhere near the Razor Crest.

"We'll fly." He replied simply.

"Are you sure that's going to work?"

"We're about to find out." Mando muttered.
"Hold on." The child cooed as I adjusted my arms around the Mandalorian and his arm around my waist tightened.
"I've got you." He muttered as we left the ground.
"I've got you, cyar'ika."

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