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Y/N's P.O.V.

The child whined as we walked and  I came to the conclusion that it was hungry. It wasn't hard to figure out, considering I was hungry too.

"Y/N, where is your ship?" Mando asked as we walked.

"No idea, I lost it in a bet before I came here. I had to hitch a ride from Nevarro to get here." Mando looked at me and I shrugged.
"Since we're both heading back there, I figured you could give me a ride."

"I'm not a taxi service." Mando replied dryly.

"Really? So those Jawas over by your ship aren't waiting for a ride?" I asked sarcastically, Mando looking towards the remains of the Razor Crest.

"What?" He pulled his scope out, before taking out his rifle and shooting one of the scavengers. The rest of them panicked and he managed to gun two more of them down, before they got into their Sandcrawler and began their escape. Mando wasted no time chasing after them and I followed, knowing that if we wanted to get back to Nevarro, we needed those parts back.
Mando shot at the Sandcrawler, but after that proved useless, he just ran after it. I sighed, looking at the child.

"He's going to get himself killed." He giggled and I smiled a little, before we began to follow. I ran after the Sandcrawler, the child staying close, before I watched Mando reach the top. He fell back almost instantly and I winced as he hit the sand. Hard.
I stopped, just a few metres from him, seeing he wasn't moving.
"Mando?" I asked carefully, stepping towards him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he groaned quietly, before I helped him sit up.

"Ow." He muttered and I smirked a little.

"Can you stand?" I asked and he nodded. I helped him to his feet and he leaned on me as we began to walk back to his ship. By the time we reached the ship, he was okay to walk on his own, not needing to lean on me at all.
"Did they leave anything behind?" I asked hopefully and he slammed the doors shut with a grunt.
"I'll take that as a no then."

"Nothing!" Mando yelled in frustration.
"They took everything." He spoke in a softer tone and the child let out a whimper, stood in the doorway.

"It shouldn't take more than a few hours to make it back to Kuiil's. Maybe he can help." I sighed and Mando reluctantly agreed. He didn't particularly have a choice in the matter, we were out of options.

"I thought you two were dead." Kuiil spoke after we arrived back at his house. It had been a long and exhausting day of walking and I wanted nothing more than to rest. I sat down, leaning my back against a rock as Kuiil came towards us.
The child was entranced by a frog and I couldn't help but find it cute.

"This is what was causing all the fuss?" Kuiil asked, looking at the infant.

"We think it's a child." Mando explained.

"Better to deliver it alive, then?"

"My ship has been destroyed. We're trapped here." Mando explained as the child looked at me excitedly when he caught the frog.

"Stripped. Not destroyed. The Jawas steal, they don't destroy." Kuiil corrected and the child dropped the frog, seeming shocked.

"Stolen or destroyed makes no difference to me." Mando sighed.
"They're protected by the crawling fortress. There's no way to recover the parts."

"You can trade." I suggested.

"With Jawas? Are you out of your mind?" Mando looked at me.

"No. She is right. I will take you to them. I have spoken." Kuiil nodded and the child caught the frog again, this time putting it in his mouth.

"Hey! Spit that out!" Mando ordered, but the child tilted his head back and ate the whole thing in one.

"I guess the kid was hungry." I laughed a little.


The road to meet with the Jawas was a long and tiresome one, but when we arrived, Kuiil greeted them like old friends.
They began to get defensive when they saw Mando, making me laugh.

"They really don't like you, for some reason." Kuiil spoke.

"Well, I did disintegrate a few of them." Mando muttered and I rolled my eyes. The child didn't seem to like the Jawas and crawled towards me. I picked him up carefully and he hid his face in my chest.

"You need to drop your rifle." Kuiil ordered.

"I'm a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion." Mando argued.

"Then you're not getting your parts back." Mando sighed in annoyance and I smirked as he reluctantly placed down his rifle.
"And the blaster." Kuiil pointed out when the Jawas stood up.

"I'll stay here with the kid. I've got your back if anything happens." I promised and he nodded, handing me his blaster.
The two of them went to negotiate the trade and I looked up when Mando nearly set a bunch of the creatures on fire. I shook my head, keeping my eye on the Jawas around me, the group slowly getting closer. The child stayed in my lap, but he didn't seem to like the Jawas' interest in him.
I knew they were harmless unless threatened, so I wasn't all that bothered.
I noticed one of the Jawas with Mando pointing at us and both Mando and Kuiil turned to face the child and I.

"Get away from them!" Mando yelled, clearly not approving of the Jawas getting too close to his bounty. A few seconds passed and the Jawas began chanting something. I was fluent in many languages, but my Jawa was a little rusty and I was beyond confused when they began chanting 'the Egg'.

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