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Y/N's P.O.V. 

"You ready?" Cara asked me and I hummed in response, slipping my blaster into its holster. We were sat not too far from the barn Mando and I were staying in and I could he's him, talking with Omera.
"Then let's go." She offered me her hand and I took it, letting her help me up, before we walked over to the barn.
Cara gave the signal that we were heading out, a single head nod, and Mando ended his conversation, coming over.

"It will be dark in a matter of minutes. As soon as we leave, the children will be escorted somewhere safe and the adults that can fight are going to get into position." I explained as we walked towards the forest.
"Do you think we can actually pull this off?"

"As long as the mech falls into the trap, I think we stand a chance." Mando spoke and I nodded in agreement.
We approached the camp silently, finding three of the raiders sat around the fire, drinking and talking. Lucky for us, they were the lookout and if we did this right, it could turn out easier than expected.
The three of us split up, each choosing a target, waiting for Mando's signal, seconds before we took out the raiders as quietly as possible.
Moving the the nearest tent, a group of 7 raiders by another fire came into view and we all silently exchanged a look. This could get messy and we had to be cautious.

"Careful." I muttered as we entered the tent, finding it empty. It seemed to be where the raiders stored their drinks, but that didn't matter to us. It was going to be blown to bits in a few minutes anyway.
Mando attached the explosive to the centre of the tent, causing it to beep softly, just before Cara whistled, alerting us that we had company. She hid by the right side of the door and I moved to the left, whilst Mando waited to be the distraction. I hoped that it could be dealt with quickly and quietly and we could get out without too much fuss, but deep down, I knew that wasn't going to happen.
The two raiders entered the tent, seeming genuinely shocked at the sight of Mando, before I nodded towards Cara and we attacked.
Just one punch had the raider falling back, squealing in surprise. I landed another hit, before he hit me back, grabbing my arm, but Mando pulled him off and knocked him out.

"Let's get out of here before-" Cara began, just as 4 more raiders entered the tent and I sighed heavily.
The fight began and I was horribly aware of the explosive that was going to kill all three of us if we couldn't get away in time.
Cara got knocked down by one of the two raiders she was fighting and I managed to get away from mine, before moving to distract the two she was fighting, giving her a chance to recover.
After stabbing one of them, my dagger was knocked out of my hand as I was shoved to the ground, giving me the chance to kick the raider's feet from under him. Blasters began to go off and I crawled behind the nearest object, which happened to be one of the drink tanks. Mando ducked down next to me, blaster in hand.

"Come on, we'll cover you." He spoke to Cara, who was hidden behind another tank. I grabbed my blaster and fired at the nearest raider, taking him out instantly.
Cara made a run towards us, but before she could make it, she turned towards the door and Mando grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards the exit. As soon as we stepped outside, the tent exploded, throwing all three of us forward a few feet.

"I hope the plan worked." Cara muttered as we all took shaky breaths, seconds before there was a mechanical hum and two red lights that looked like eyes coming towards us.

"Looks like it did." I muttered as we pulled ourselves up out of the dirt.

"Go..." Mando instructed.
"Go!" We all began to run as best as we could back to the farm, the AT-ST following and firing hot red lasers at us. We barely dodged them and made it back to the farm, but when we did, the farmers were ready.

"This is it!" Cara yelled.
"Once that things steps in the pond, it's going down!" The heavy footsteps got louder as it approached the farm.
"Weapons ready!" Everyone grabbed their guns, including Mando and I, eyes trained in front of us.

"Just a few more steps..." Mando whispered as the AT-ST came out of the forest. My heart felt like it stopped when it took one look at the pond in front of it, before deciding it was close enough.

"Get down!" I hissed when it's search light came on, looking for us.
"Down!" I repeated, keeping myself as low as possible.

"Hold your positions!" Cara ordered as the mech destroyed a house behind some of the farmers.
The raiders began to appear and I adjusted my hold on my blaster.
"Open fire!" Blaster fire filled the air, most of the shots aimed at the raiders, but some at the walker too.
The AT-ST retaliated by shooting back a few times, but no one seemed to be hurt.

"We gotta get that thing to step forward." Mando looked towards Cara and I.

"I'm thinking!" Cara hissed.
"New plan."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked, before turning to shoot a raider, who had gotten a little too close. He dropped into the pond and I looked at Cara carefully.

"Give me your rifle." She looked at Mando and he didn't hesitate, before handing over his weapon.

"We'll cover you." Mando nodded towards her and she ran straight at the walker, shooting at it once, before jumping into the pond and shooting again.
"Come on, you've got this..." Mando and I focused on taking out the raiders, but my eyes were constantly drawn back to Cara. If she wasn't careful, she was going to get herself killed. The AT-ST shot right next to her and my breath got caught in my throat.

"Come on..." I muttered, before the farmers began charging at the raiders. The walker began aimlessly firing towards Cara and it was really stressing me out.

"Take the bait, you hunk of junk." Mando muttered, seconds before Cara took a shot that took out the walker's eye. It stepped forward blindly, falling into the pond and I didn't waist a second, snatching one of Mando's explosives and readying it, before running forward and throwing it into the mech. I slid into the pond Cara was in, just as it exploded, letting out a heavy sigh of relief.
The raiders immediately began to retreat and the farmers cheered as Mando came over and kneeled next to the pond we were in.
"Was that the plan?"

"Somethin' like that." Cara laughed and I grinned, just glad we won the battle.
"I believe this is yours?" She held up the familiar dagger, the one I thought I had lost in the raiders' tent and I laughed lightly.


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