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Ahhhh, it's been so long.... I high key keep forgetting about this one
To make up for it have a... I don't even know what to call this chapter
Fluffy? Cute? Horribly written? You decide lmao

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Stay with me, buddy. We're going to get you out of here." Cara yelled as she dragged Mando out of harms way. I tried to follow and see if he was okay, but as soon as I stepped past the bar, I fell forward.

"Easy." Greef muttered, helping me stand.
"Did you get hit?"

"No- it must be the poison." I mumbled. I blinked several times, before running my eyes.
"I can't see."

"What?" Cara looked at me and I felt my hands shaking.

"I can't see anything." I whispered, Greef helping me sit down, before moving away.

"Stay with me, okay?" Cara whispered and I felt her taking my hand.
"That includes you, Y/N."

"I'm not going to make it." Mando mumbled and I could feel my cheeks become wet with tears.

"Shut up." Cara snapped.
"You've just had your bell rung. You'll be fine. You both will."

"Leave me. Take Y/N, find an antidote-"

"No." I shook my head.
"Just take the kid. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm not leaving either of you. So shut it." She stubbornly replied.
"I'm going to need to take your helmet off..."

"No." Mando refused.
"Leave us. Make sure the child is safe. Here, when you get to the Mandalorian covert, show them that." I didn't know what he gave her, but I'm sure it was important.
"You tell them it's from Din Djarin. Tell them the foundling was in my protection. They'll help you."

"We can make it. We can-"

"Cara. We can't." I argued.
"He's hurt and I'm poisoned. We'll just slow you down. Get the kid to safety."

"No." She whimpered and heat filled the room suddenly, before Cara let go of my hand and wrapped her arm around me, pulling me closer to her and Mando, shielding both of us.

"Protect the child. Y/N and I can hold them off long enough for you to escape." Mando sighed.
"Let me have a warrior's death."

"I won't leave you." Cara refused.

"This is the way." Mando weakly replied as the room was hit with another blast of heat. I heard footsteps approach- a stormtrooper, before the room was filled with heat one last time. I heard Cara swear quietly and Mando's gloved hand connected with mine. All I could do was squeeze it lightly. The stormtrooper let out a strangled scream and I had no idea what happened.

"Come on, it's open, let's go." Greef insisted.

"Go." Mando spoke quietly.

"We have to move. Now!" Greef yelled.

"Go." I spoke to Cara and she put her hand over mine and Mando's connected ones, before I heard the IG Unit came over.

"I will stay with the Mandalorian and Y/N L/N." IG11 spoke.

"Promise me you'll bring them." Cara spoke to the droid.

"You have my word." The droid replied, before she left.
IG11 kneeled down between us and I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut, but it made no difference to my lack of sight.

"Do it." Mando spoke calmly.

"Do what?" The droid asked.

"Just get it over with." Mando mumbled.
"I'd rather you kill me than some Imp."

"I told you. I am no longer a hunter. I am a nurse droid." IG11 replied.

"IGs are all hunters. I blasted a hole in your head, you're sure you don't want to return the favour?" I coughed, causing a metallic taste to form in my mouth.

"Not this one. I'm reprogrammed." He responded.
"I can administer a temporary antidote to keep you alive, but it will not restore your sight. You will need to see a more equipped nurse droid or even go to a med centre." I felt him take my arm and a cool sensation washed over the small cut on my arm, before it began to sting, causing me to hiss slightly.

"Y/N?" Mando asked and I winced.

"I'll be fine." I muttered.

"I need to remove your helmet if I am to save you." The IG Unit spoke to Mando and I heard the soft click of a blaster.

"Try it and I'll kill you." Mando warned.
"It is forbidden. No living thing has seen me without my helmet since I swore myself to the creed."

"I am not a living thing." IG11 replied.

"And I can't see." I reminded, smiling slightly, sitting up.
"Mando, if I'm surviving this thing, so are you. If it helps, I'll close my eyes?"

"No, you're right." He mumbled after a few moments and there was a soft clicking sound as the IG Unit removed his helmet and placed it on the ground.

"This is a bacta spray. It will heal you in a matter of hours. You have suffered damage to your central processing unit." IG11 explained.

"You mean my brain?" Mando asked and I couldn't stop myself from laughing a little. His voice sounded a little different without the helmet. It was... nice.

"That was a joke. It was meant to put you at ease." The droid said and Mando laughed weakly.
"It will be safe for you to place your helmet back on in a few moments." The droid spoke, before I heard him stand up and move away slightly.
Mando was still holding my hand and I don't know what made me do it, but I reached out and cupped his cheek with my hand.

"You... look different." Mando muttered.

"Is it my eyes? I feel like my eyes look different." I joked, trying to calm my nerves. I didn't understand why I was so nervous. I almost died and I was literally blind, but the interaction with the Mandalorian seemed so intimate.

"No, I mean... now I'm looking at you without the helmet." He corrected and I smiled a little.
"You look beautiful."

"You have literal brain damage right now. I don't think you know what you're saying." I sighed, going to move my hand, but he placed his free hand over mine.

"No. I've always thought it." He corrected.
"You're strong and dangerous, smart and beautiful. You always manage to amaze me."

"Well, Din Djarin, I'm not perfect, you know." I put emphasis on his name.
"I'm scared a lot. I don't even know what I'm doing most of the time."

"I know. That's what amazes me." He muttered and I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face.

"You know, I've always wondered what you look like under that helmet. It's funny that the first time you take it off in front of me, I can't see." I muttered, before IG11 returned.

"You both should be able to walk now. Mandalorian, you may put your helmet on and we can try to catch up with the others." I nodded my head and let go of Mando's cheek, but when I tried to let go of his hand, he wouldn't let me.

"Mando?" I held our connected hands up, but instead of letting go like I thought he would, he pulled me closer and pressed his lips up against mine. I froze, not expecting it at all. He broke the kiss after a few seconds, but our faces hovered close to each other as we both processed what just happened.
It was strange. I had dedicated my whole life to being a bounty hunter, I never had the time to think about relationships or kissing or... other stuff.
That was my first kiss and I was willing to bet it was Mando's too.

"Y/N, I'm sorry-" I shut him up by kissing him back, his hand squeezing mine slightly.

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