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Y/N's P.O.V.

Mando was unusually quiet. I mean, he was a quiet guy, but never this quiet. Something was bothering him and for some reason, the fact that I didn't know, was bothering me.
I sighed as I stood up, wordlessly leaving the cockpit and heading down to the lower deck to stretch my legs. A walked around a little, inspecting the ship. Kuiil and Mando did a good job repairing it, I was actually quite impressed. I lightly ran my fingers over one of the replaced parts, hearing Mando coming down.

"What are you doing?" He asked, but I didn't turn to face him just yet.

"You guys really did a good job putting her back together." I mumbled.
"You don't look like the engineering type."

"I'm not." Mando replied and I sighed, turning to look at him. He was still by the ladder that lead to the cockpit, but he was watching me.
"When we get back to Naverro, we're delivering the kid straight to the client."

"Yeah, you can go ahead and do that. Collect your reward." I sighed.

"You're not coming?" He asked and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No, I'm not. I'm not okay with handing a kid over to a bunch of imperial soldiers." I looked at him carefully.
"When I started this job, I told myself I'd only bring in criminals. Not innocents and definitely not kids. I can't be apart of this anymore than already I have been." I shook my head.
"Do you know what they want to do with him?"

"No. It's against the code to ask." Mando explained and I nodded, already knowing that.

"It's probably best that I don't know." I sat down on a crate and put my head in my hands.

"I'm not exactly thrilled about this either." Mando sighed, sitting next to me.
"But, the Beskar-"

"It's fine, I get it." I gave him a small smile.
"We should be landing soon, right?"

"Yeah." We stood back up and I followed Mando back up to the cockpit and I realised that we were closer than we thought. As we landed, I took one last proper look at the child, before the three of us left the Razor Crest, walking towards town.

"This is where we part ways." I said before we could get too close to the imperial's location.
"It's been good working with you again, Mando." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"We make a good team." He nodded and I laughed slightly, the child cooing. I looked at him, before placing my hand on his head gently.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, before turning to walk away.

"Y/N." Mando called and I turned, just as he threw something towards me. I caught the small bag, looking inside to find a lot of credits.
"That should pay for about half of your new ship."

"Mando, I can't-" I walked over and tried to give it back.

"Think of it as a 'thank you'." He repeated my own words back to me and I sighed, unable to hide the smile on my face.
"I'll see you soon, Y/N."

"Keep yourself out of trouble." I nodded towards him, placing the credits in my pocket. With the credits I already had saved up, I could probably buy a decent ship and get straight back to work.


I was about to close the deal on my new ship when someone called my name and I turned to see Mando coming towards me.

"You were right. The kid- he's just an innocent. I'm going to get him back." Mando explained and I smiled at him.

"I like your new armour." I complimented.
"Need an extra set of hands?" He nodded once and we began to walk away from the dealership, the dealer yelling after me, but I ignored him.
"So, the famous bounty hunting Mandalorian does have a conscience."

"Shut up." He mumbled and I laughed as we headed towards the imperial base.
"Let's try and do this quietly. Just get in, grab the child and get out." Before we turned the corner, I checked the coast was clear, before I noticed something.

"Mando." I nudged him, going over to the abandoned carrier. It was a little beaten up and broken, lying against the floor. He walked away quickly and I followed, hoping the child was uninjured.

"Stay here. Keep a lookout." Mando ordered, before climbing on top of a roof. I picked up my blaster, ready to take out any potential throats. Mando dropped down off the roof, landing next to me and I looked at him expectantly.
"The child is alive, but not for much longer."

"So sneaking in isn't an option then?" I asked, thinking it would take too much time.

"Just follow my lead." He walked straight up to the front door and knocked, making my eyes widen. The camera droid popped out of the wall and Mando destroyed it instantly, before grabbing my wrist and pulling me around the side of the building.

"This should be fun..." I sighed.

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