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Y/N's P.O.V.

"We're here for an egg? Like an actual egg?" I asked, unsure.

"Yeah, I don't really understand it either." Mando sighed, picking up his blaster.
"I'll go in and see if I can find the egg, you wait here with the kid."

"No problem. I'm not exactly a fan of creepy caves that hold patential threats." I shrugged and Mando turned towards the cave, looking back at me, before going inside. After a couple of seconds, I heard his blaster go off and I sighed, grabbing my own blaster as Mando was thrown out of the cave. His chest plate was ruined and he was clearly in pain.
The kid let out a whimper and I pushed his carrier aside, moving over to Mando's side and offering my hand. He let me help him up, before a large horned beast left the cage.

"The kid-"

"He's out of the way. Don't worry about it right now." I sighed and Mando tried to shoot the Mud Horn, but his rifle was jammed. It charged towards us and he pushed me out of the way as it knocked him back. The kid let out a whimper, catching the beast's attention. It charged towards him and I shot at the Mud Horn multiple times, before getting it to turn towards me.
"Come on..." It roared as it charged and I realised that I didn't really have a plan. Shooting it didn't do much damage and trying to outrun it was just stupid.

"Y/N, get out of the way!" Mando yelled, but I ignored him. I had to wait for the right moment. Just before the Mud Horn could attack me, I dived out of the way and it crashed into the stone wall behind me. Once again, running was a stupid move, but it was the only move I had in that moment. The Mud Horn caught up to me easily, throwing me forward, causing me to hit the slippery ground hard. Despite the pain, I got back up, right in time to be thrown again. This time, when I hit the ground, I rolled and crashed into some rocks.
"Hey!" Mando called, catching its attention. My body screamed at me to stay down, but I knew I couldn't.
Mando was fighting mud with fire and it was hard to tell who was winning. The Mud Horn knocked him down and for a few seconds, I didn't think he was going to get back up.

"Mando-" I pushed myself forward to help him up, but we were both exhausted and hurt.
The Mud Horn prepared to charge at us again, but I had lost my blaster somewhere and all I had was my dagger. I held it up in a weak attempt to stop it, my hands and arms shaking. Mando put his hand over mine, both of us holding up the dagger.
The Mud Horn charged, but never reached us, as it started floating mid air. It struggled and Mando nudged me, looking back at the child. His hands were raised and his eyes closed. He stopped the Mud Horn. Somehow. The child collapsed suddenly and the beast dropped.
I pushed Mando out of the way, taking the dagger and stabbing the Mud Horn in the neck.
All three of us collapsed to the ground and I took short, painful breaths.

"Is it dead?" He asked and after a few seconds of laying there, I managed to reply.

"The child or that thing?" Mando pulled himself up into a sitting position, before managing to get to his feet.

"Either." He muttered in response and helped me up.

"I don't know." I whispered and I moved to lean on the Mud Horn, before I pulled my dagger out of its neck.
Mando and I leaned on each other as we went over to the child, who was unconscious, but alive.

"I'll get the egg, you get your blaster and my rifle." Mando sighed, stepping towards the cave.

"If you wake up another one of those things, I'm taking the kid and leaving you to die." I spoke, only half joking.

"Yeah, whatever. Just get our stuff and we can go." Mando moved back towards the cave whilst I found out weapons in the mud.
"Got it." He held up the egg and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Great. I can't wait to get off of this stupid sand planet." I mumbled and we began the walk back to the Sandcrawler.

"Mando! Y/N!" Kuiil called as soon as we came into sight and I let out a breath. A group of Jawas ran towards us and Mando gave them the egg. They began chanting again, before they cut off the top of the egg and began eating it.

"I'm surprised you waited." Mando said to Kuiil, leaning on me slightly.

"I'm surprised you took so long." The shorter man shot back, making me laugh, before I winced and out my hand against my ribs.
The Jawas loaded the parts up and both Mando and I were more than happy to sit back and relax for a short while.

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