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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Took you long enough, Mando." Toro spoke, pushing me forward, out of the Razor Crest and Mando raised his blaster.
He held the child with one arm and he used his free hand to point a blaster at my head. Peli was stood next to me and the poor woman was too terrified to do anything.
"Looks like I'm calling the shots now, huh, partner? Drop your blaster and raise 'em, or I'm going to kill you and your girlfriend." Mando did as he was told, dropping his blaster to the ground.
"Cuff him." Toro pushed Peli forward and I kept my expression neutral.
"I'm willing to bet that this here is the target you two helped escape. Fennec was right. Bringing you two in won't just make me a member of the Guild, it'll make me legendary." Mando let off a flash bomb and it hurt my eyes, but it also gave me an opportunity. I ducked away from Toro, snatching the child from his arms, before blindly running towards what I hoped was cover. A burning sensation hit my shoulder and I gasped in pain, the pain becoming almost unbearable.

"Stay back." I heard Mando say carefully as I held the child close to my chest, my eyesight slowly coming back.
"Y/N?" Mando called out.

"Yeah?" I winced as I moved towards his voice.

"You're hurt." Mando spoke, before the child was taken from my arms.

"You did just set off a flash bomb and my eyes are burning, so a little warning would be nice next time." I laughed weakly, before a hand touched my shoulder and an involuntary whimper escaped my throat.

"Y/N, this is bad." Mando spoke softly.

"It will be fine. Once I can see properly again, I'll deal with it." I stepped back, almost falling over something, but Mando caught me.
"Thanks." I muttered.

"Come on." He led me inside the Razor Crest, before making me sit down. It was probably for the best, the pain in my shoulder was making my head spin and it was exhausting.
I heard him clearing things up with Peli, before he placed the child in my lap. My vision was blurry, but I could faintly see colours, so that was a good sign.
"I'm going to get us off of Tatooine and I'll chart our course, then I'll be back to look at your shoulder."

"I can-"

"I'm not arguing with you about this." He muttered, before going up to the cockpit. I simply sighed, listening to the child's babbles whilst I waited. By the time he was back, I could mostly see, everything was just a little blurry and my eyes had stopped hurting as much.
"Here." He moved the child out of my lap, before sitting behind me.
"How did Toro manage get a blaster to your head?" His tone of voice was light and it was clear he was trying to take my mind off the burning pain that seemed to be spreading down my arm.

"I left the child with Peli for a few minutes and when I got back, he was waiting. He made me throw my blaster and dagger in here, somewhere out of the way, and then he got me, simple." I clenched my jaw when his hand touched my arm.

"I need to remove the material if I'm going to do this properly." Mando muttered and I sighed.

"Just rip it. It's ruined already and I have a spare." He did as instructed and I groaned in pain as he pressed something to the wound.
"How bad is it?" I asked, taking short breaths, my eyes closed tightly. I could feel the child pulling at my leg slightly, but I didn't look at him, too focused on not screaming. The pain was one of the worst things I had ever felt and I hated it.

"It could be worse." Mando sighed.
"After it's been cleaned and bandaged up, it should take a few weeks to heal." I nodded my head, knowing it was going to hurt a lot.

"I'm sorry." He spoke softly and I opened my eyes slightly, looking back at him.

"You haven't even started cleaning it yet and you're apologising?" I forced a smile onto my face, before turning back around.
"Just get it over with."

"No, I'm sorry that you got hurt. The flash bomb was a bad idea-"

"The flash bomb probably saved mine and the child's life." Instead of just turning my head, I turned my whole body towards Mando.
"As much as it sucks right now, it's better than being dead." His hand moved under my chin, lifting it up slightly, before turning my face to the side slightly. I sighed, knowing he had seen the faint bruising on my cheek.

"He hit you?" He asked, sounding somewhere between shocked and mad.

"He was reckless and stupid and look where it got him; dead." I shrugged.
"It doesn't matter what he did or didn't do-"

"He shot you and hit you. That matters." Mando replied stubbornly.
"I shouldn't have killed him like that. I should have made it last."

"Hey, don't go all creepy killer on me." I shook my head.
"Honestly, Mando, I just want to get my shoulder wrapped up and get some rest, if that's okay?"

"Yes, of course."

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