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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Hey, droid. We're hunters. We're looking for some work." Mando spoke as soon as we walked into the bar. I looked around, a little shocked at how empty it was.
This place used to be unbelievably busy, but now it was just pitiful. I was surprised it was still open.

"Unfortunately, the bounty guild no longer operates from Tatooine." The droid replied.

"We're not looking for guild work." I leaned on the bar, frowning when I saw the sand on it.

"I am afraid that does not improve your situation, at least not by my calculation." I wiped the sand from my arm distastefully, already regretting leaving the Razor Crest.

"Think again, tin can." A voice from behind us spoke up.
"If you're looking for work, have a seat, my friends." The young man asked, seeming way too cocky for his own good. His feet were on the table and there was a confident smirk on his face.
"The name's Toro. Toro Calican. Come on, relax." Mando looked at me, before we walked over to the table he was sat at, taking a seat.

"What have you got, kid?" I asked, earning a slight glare from him.

"Picked up this Bounty Puck before I left the mid rim. Fennec Shand, an assassin. Heard she's been on the run ever since the New Republic put all her employers in lockdown." He explained and I pulled a face.

"I know the name." Mando spoke. We both did. Many had tried to take Shand into custody and failed. It wasn't something I was interested in, especially not if this kid was involved.

"Yeah, well, I followed this tracking fob here. Now the positional data suggests she's headed out beyond the Dune Sea. Should be an easy job."

"Well, good luck with that." Mando and I stood up, the kid's confidence dropping dramatically.

"Wait, wait, wait, hey. I thought you needed work?" He asked quickly.

"How long have you been with the Guild?" I asked.

"Long enough." He replied defensively.

"Clearly not." Mando sighed.

"Excuse me?" Toro asked.

"Fennec Shand is an elite mercenary. She made her name killing for all the top crime syndicates, including the Hutts. If you go after her, you won't make it past sunrise." I shrugged, walking away.

"This is my first job!" Toro stood up, coming after us.
"You can keep the money, all of it, I just need this job to get into the Guild." He laughed weakly.
"I can't do it alone."

"Meet us at hanger 3-5 in half an hour. Bring three speeder bikes and give me the tracking fob." Mando sighed, seconds before the kid smashed the fob against the wall.

"Don't worry. I got it all memorised." He grinned and I shook my head.

"Two speeder bikes, not three." I corrected, before walking out.

"You're not coming?" Mando asked as I began to walk back to bay 3-5.

"Shang is ruthless. You go after her and you're basically going against every crime syndicate she's worked for." I shrugged.
"You can go ahead, but one of us has to live long enough to get the child to safety."

"You don't think I can do it?" Mando asked, not sounding judgmental, but genuinely curious.

"No, I actually think that you could do it, but that kid back there, he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. He's going to get both of you killed." I replied honestly and Mando didn't reply as we headed back into 3-5.
Mando instantly went into the ship, whereas I checked out what machinery Peli was using. It seemed a little dated, but-

"Hey!" Mando snapped, making me jump slightly, storming towards Peli, who was inside.

"I'm awake!" She yelled in response and I followed him.

"Where is he?" Mando demanded to know and my eyes widened when I realised that Peli had the child.

"Shh. It's okay." She rocked the crying child.
"You woke it up! Do you have any idea how long it took me to get it to sleep?" She complained and I looked at her in disbelief.

"Give him to me." Mando looked at her.

"Not so fast! You can't just leave a child all alone like that! You know, you have an awful lot to learn about raisin' a young one." Peli glared at us both slightly.
"I thought you would've known better!" She gave me a pointed look and I rolled my eyes.
"Anyway, I started the repair on the fuel leak. I had a couple of setbacks I want to talk to you about... and I didn't use any droids as requested! Took me a lot longer than I expected, but I figured you two were good for the money, since you have an extra mouth to feed."

"Well, now you've got an extra set of hands." I sighed as Mando took a bag from the ship.

"Thank you." He spoke to Peli.

"Oh, I guess I was right! You got a job, didn't you?" I followed Mando outside, where Toro was already waiting with two speeder bikes.

"Hey Mando, what do you think? Not too shabby, huh?" Toro asked with a cocky smirk.
"You sure you don't want to come along, sweetheart? I know we only have two bikes, but I'm sure we can share." He winked at me and I scoffed.

"In your dreams, kid." I shot back and he looked at me weirdly as I took the child from Peli. He giggled excitedly, making me smile slightly. Mando looked back at me and nodded his head, before the two of them rode off.

"So how come you're not going? Last time I checked, you're not too bad with a blaster." Peli asked.

"I'm not a fan of the kid."

"Yeah, me neither."

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