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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Check the perimeter." The first stormtrooper ordered and they split up, walking right past us.
Mando selected a detonator off of his belt, before attaching it to the wall by the door. We took cover as it exploded, before going straight inside.
We both ducked down as two stormtroopers came in to inspect the damage.

"Hey guys." I smiled as I stood up properly, both of them spinning to face me and I shot them.
Another stormtrooper followed and Mando got this one, killing him in seconds.

"Let's find the kid." We searched the facility, taking out stormtroopers quickly and quietly as we went along.
Mando took out his blaster and shot at a keypad, opening a door, where another stormtrooper was waiting. He shot at us, but I killed him before he could actually do any damage.
I pointed my gun at the man by the table, the scientist that I met when I first was given the job.

"No, no, no! Please!" He begged, dropping to his knees as Mando shot a droid.
"Please! Don't hurt him! He's just a child!" He whimpered and I walked over to the machine over the child as Mando pushed the scientist to the ground.

"What did you do to it?" I asked, carefully picking up the kid, who was sleeping soundly. The scientist whimpered in response.

"Answer her!" Mando snapped.

"I protected him! I protected him- if it wasn't for me he'd already be dead. Please!" Mando lowered his blaster and we moved to the door.

"Here." He took the child from me and we left the room.
We avoided as many stormtroopers as we could and the few we ran into, I took care of.
I hid behind a wall as 2 stormtroopers came in, Mando signalling for me to stay low.

"Split up. We'll flush them out." One of them spoke and I gestured towards one, letting Mando know I'd deal with him. He nodded and went to get the other.

"Give it up. There's nowhere-" I smacked the blaster out of the stormtrooper's hand, stabbing him in the throat. He dropped to the ground and Mando electrocuted the other.

"Y/N, let's move." Leaving the room, there was two stormtroopers either side of us and Mando pressed his back against mine. I shot the two facing me, Mando burning the other two. Stepping over the corpses, we moved into the next room, where another door opened and four storm troopers surrounded us.


"Don't move!" I raised my blaster, but Mando pushed it down slowly.

"Hands up! Put the blasters down!" I had no idea what our next move was.

"Wait. What I'm holding is very valuable. Here." He began to lower the child to the ground, placing his blaster down too. I dropped my weapon to the ground, trusting that Mando had a plan.

"Now turn and face me!" One of the stormtroopers ordered.
"Stand up!" Four small explosives shot away from us, attaching to the stormtroopers and taking them out instantly. I picked my blaster back up and Mando picked up the child, nothing else stopping us walking away from the facility.
We were almost back at Mando's ship when I noticed more and more bounty hunters appearing around us, the soft beeps of fob trackers becoming painfully loud.

"Welcome back, Mando and Y/N!" Greef Karga spoke loudly.
"Now put the package down."

"You know we can't do that." I replied, hand on my blaster, ready to fight.

"Step aside. We're going to my ship." Mando spoke calmly, making Greef laugh slightly.

"You put the bounty down and perhaps I might let you pass."

"The kid is coming with us." I replied simply.

"If you truly care about the kid, then you'll put it on the speeder." He nodded towards a droid operated speeder.
"And we will discuss terms."

"How do we know we can trust you?" Mando asked and I clenched my jaw.

"Because I'm your only hope." Greef replied and Mando looked at me, then down at the kid. He lifted his blaster ever so slightly and I smirked, drawing my blaster quick and firing multiple times at the nearest bounty hunters. Mando did the same, before jumping onto the speeder to protect the child.

"Y/N!" Mando shot a bounty hunter down, before offering me his hand.

"Drive." I ordered the droid once I was on the speeder, but he refused.
"Drive!" I snapped, pointing my blaster to his head. Both Mando and I did our best to hold off the hunters and keep the child safe, but the droid let out a screech as it was killed , the speeder crashing into a nearby wall. The blaster fire stopped for a few moments as Mando carefully handed me the child, before pulling out his rifle.
The kid cooed softly, before Mando began disintegrating the bounty hunters one-by-one.

"That's one impressive weapon!" Greef called out, all blaster fire stopping once again.

"Here's what we're going to do. Y/N and I are going to walk to my ship, with the kid, and you're going to let it happen." Mando spoke clearly.

"No." Greef sighed.
"How about this? We take the kid. And if you two try to stop us... we kill you and we strip your bodies for parts?" Movement by the side of the speeder, caused me to move fast, swinging my leg and kicking the bounty hunter in the face, before shooting him in the chest, twice. The blaster fire started up again as bounty hunters neared us and for a few seconds, Mando was able to hold them off with his flamethrower, but it ran out of juice pretty quickly.

"Any ideas?" Mando looked at me and I shook my head, hooting another bounty hunter.
"Okay. I'll cover you. You take the kid to safety. Take my ship-"

"Not happening. You take the kid." I interrupted.
"You can protect it a lot better than I can." The child made a noise, looking up at both of us, before the sound of blaster fire came from above. We both looked up to see several Mandalorians in the sky, taking out the bounty hunters.
I let out a short laugh as one of them landed by us.

"Get out of here. We'll cover you." He spoke and Mando seemed to be in shock.

"You're going to have to relocate the hideout." Mando spoke and holding the child carefully, I got up and grabbed his wrist, pulling him away from the fight.

"This is the way." The Mandalorian spoke, Mando repeating the phrase as we left the battle.

"Hold it, Mando." Greef ordered as soon as we stepped onto the Razor Crest. We both turned to face him, seeing two blasters aimed at our heads.
"I didn't want it to come to this, but then the two of you broke the code." Mando shot his grapple at a pipe, releasing steam which clouded the ship.
Mando pushed me towards the ladders that lead to the cockpit and I got the hint, taking the child to safety and starting up the engines.
Barely a few second after we set off, the cockpit doors opened and I pointed my blaster, only to find Mando.

"Karga?" I asked carefully.

"Dealt with." He confirmed and I nodded, getting out of the pilots seat, letting Mando sit down.

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