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Y/N's P.O.V.

As it turned out, the lodging wasn't much, but honestly, we weren't expecting much better than what we got.
There were only two available places for us to stay and Cara called dibs on the first one. I was grateful either way, a barn had to be better than taking turns in who slept in the bed and who slept in a chair.

"Please come in." The woman smiled and we let ourselves into the barn.
"I hope this is comfortable for you. Sorry that all we have is the barn."

"This will do fine, thank you." I nodded.

"I stacked some blankets over there for you." The woman gestured towards some blankets as Mando placed his rifle down.

"Thank you. That's very kind." Mando spoke and small footsteps approached, causing him to turn and point his blaster at the door, causing the young girl to hide.
I rolled my eyes and pushed his blaster down.
The woman looked shocked and walked over to the girl, carefully hugging her.

"This is my daughter, Winta." She introduced.
"We don't get a lot of visitors around here. She's not used to strangers."

"Hey." I smiled at the girl. I had joked about Mando having a soft spot for kids, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have one too.

"This nice man and woman are going to help protect us from the bad ones." The woman said softly.

"Thank you." Winta whispered, clearly still a little scared.

"Come on, Winta. Let's give our guests some room." She led her daughter away and Mando sighed.

"I'm going to go and get the rest of our things." I stepped towards the door, but Mando grabbed my arm.

"No. You're going to get some rest." He replied and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"You'll be no use if the raiders return and you're too exhausted to fight. You'll end up getting yourself and others killed."

"Your lack of faith in me is hurtful." I joked.
"Now let go of me."

"I'm serious." He didn't move.
"I decided to bring Cara along because I didn't want to risk one of us or the child getting hurt. If you don't rest, you'll be putting all of us in danger."

"I'll be fine. You're being ridiculous." I tried, but it was futile.

"It's not up for debate." Mando said seriously, letting go of me.
"Cara and I are going to look around later. You're not coming if you haven't slept."


"Feeling better?" Mando asked and I rolled my eyes.
I had ended getting a couple of hours rest, just to shut him up about it.
I noticed the child was in a crib, making me smile slightly. Somehow just looking at the wrinkled green baby improved my mood considerably.

"Knock Knock." I looked towards the door, finding the woman who offered us her barn. I figured I should ask her name at some point, but it could wait.
Mando didn't turn to face her, he simply continued to clean his rifle.

"Come in." He spoke and she carried a tray, Winta hiding behind her. She placed the tray down and I smiled at her slightly.

"Can I feed him?" Winta asked softly and I stood up, stretching slightly.

"Sure." Mando replied and the girl kneeled down by the cot, giggling when the child accepted the food.

"Can I play with him?" She asked with an excited smile.

"Go ahead." I let the child out of the crib.

"Come on!" Winta ran outside and the child followed as fast as his little legs would take him.

"I don't think-" Mando tried to stop them, but the woman stopped him.

"They'll be fine." She insisted.

"I don't-"

"She's said they'll be okay, Mando." I gave my friend a small smile.

"I brought the two of you some food. You didn't eat out there and you were asleep." The woman looked between the two of us.
"I'll leave it here."

"That's very thoughtful of you." Mando turned back to his rifle.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" She looked at Mando and I turned towards the window.

"Go ahead." He replied.

"How long has it been since you've taken that off?" She asked, taking me by surprise.
Ever since I met Mando, many years ago, I've wondered about his helmet, but I never dared to ask. I figured it was a sensitive subject.

"Yesterday." Mando sighed and I figured it would have been when he went to get some rest.

"I mean, in front of someone else." She pushed.
Mando moved next to me, pointing out some kids playing together.

"I wasn't much older than they are." His answer made me frown and zone out completely, thinking about how hard that must have been for him.
"Y/N?" Mando's hand landed on my shoulder and I looked at him, before realising that the woman had gone.

"I'm going for a walk." I said, moving past him and picking up my blaster off of the floor.

"You're not going to eat?" He asked and I slipped my blaster into its holster, before taking the dagger from under my makeshift pillow.

"I'll eat when I get back."

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