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Y/N's P.O.V.

Greef and his men whispered amongst themselves suspiciously as we began the long walk towards town.

"Think they're having second thoughts?" Cara asked carefully.

"Could be." Mando nodded.
"Cara, I need your eyes."

"I'm watching." Cara nodded and we continued to walk.
After about two hours of walking in one direction, we reached the edge of town.

"I guess this is it." He sighed, stepping forward as the two remaining bounty hunters stayed behind us. Kuiil was a little bit behind them and I sighed, just wanting all of this crap with the imperial to be over.
Greef turned quickly, blasters in hand, before shooting the two bounty hunters. We all had our own blasters pointed at him, but he raised his hands.
"There's something you should know." He sighed, walking to his men and kicking their blasters away. None of us lowered our weapons, but Greef put his away.
"The plan was to kill you and take the kid. But after last night, I couldn't go through with it." Kuiil got off the Blurrg and came over to find out what was happening.
"Go on. You can gun me down here and now and it wouldn't violate the code, but if you do this then the child will never be safe."

"We'll take our chances." I sighed, the child cooing softly in response.

"The imperial client is obsessed with obtaining this asset. You tried to run but where did it get you?" Greef pushed.

"This is ridiculous." Cara muttered.

"Perhaps you should let him speak." Kuiil muttered.

"Listen, we all need the client to be eliminated. Let me take the child to him and then you three-"

"No." Mando interrupted.

"You're not getting anywhere near him." I replied coldly, my eyes trained on Greef.

"Let's just kill him and get out of here." Cara adjusted her hold on her blaster as Mando lowered his.

"He's right." Mando muttered and my eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" Cara asked, clearly as confused as me.

"As long as the imp lives, he'll send hunters after the child." Mando explained.

"It's a trap." Cara spoke the words before I could.

"Bring me."

"Bring you?" Greef repeated.

"Tell him you captured me. Get me close to him and I'll kill him." Mando sighed.

"That's a good idea. Give me your blaster." Greef stepped forward and Mando held his blaster out, giving me the chance to take it.

"No. No way. This is insane." They all looked at me.
"This isn't happening. It's too risky. Going in unarmed- you'll get killed."

"It's the only way." Mando said suddenly.

"Then Y/N and I- we're going with you." Cara protested and I nodded.

"No. That would make them suspicious. And they know Y/N's face, she's in just as much trouble with them as Mando is." Greef sighed and I knew he was right.

"I don't care. I'm coming." Cara glared at him.

"Tell them she caught us." Mando stepped forward slightly.

"Fine, then she can bring the child." Greef tried, pointing at Cara.

"No. The kid goes back in the ship." I shook my head.

"But without the child, none of this works!" Greef threw his arms up.

"No, I have a plan." Mando announced.
"Kuiil, you ride back to the ship with the child and seal yourselves in. Engage ground security protocol. Nothing on this planet will breach those doors."

"Here's a com-link." Kuiil handed Mando the device.
"I will keep the child safe." I pushed Mando's blaster into Greef's hand, glaring at him slightly.
"Don't forget to cover your stripes." Kuiil looked at Cara, who didn't seem impressed.

"Let's go." Mando instructed, handing Greef a pair of handcuffs. I handed Cara a similar pair, along with my blaster and dagger, letting her put the handcuffs on my wrists. I frowned as she did so, the familiar metal usually being used to arrest real criminals. Mando looked at me and nodded as Cara wrapped some cloth around her arm and Kuiil took the child.
We began to walk away, the child's carrier following us all the way into town, where there were a lot more than 4 stormtroopers. Mando, Cara and I all looked at each other as the first stormtrooper stood up.

"Chain code?" He sighed.

"I have a gift for the boss." Greef gestured towards the two of us, a smirk on his face.

"Chain code." The stormtrooper insisted and Greef reluctantly reached inside his pocket, pulling out a card and showing it to the trooper.
"I'll give you 20 credits for the helmet."

"Ha, no. Not a chance. That's going on my wall." Greef laughed, pointing at Mando's helmet and I rolled my eyes.

"On your wall?" Mando asked lowly.

"Go with it." Greef replied in a muttered tone.

"Go ahead." The stormtrooper let us passed and Greef put his hand on my back, pushing me forward slightly. I glared at him, but he didn't react.

"You said 4. There are more than 4 troopers." Cara hissed at Greef.

"4 guarded the client." He corrected her.
"Many more here in town. Things got really heated after Mando and Y/N here crashed the safe house."

"Slip him his blaster." Cara whispered.
"I'll give Y/N hers-"

"Not yet." Greef warned, causing Cara to glare at him.

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