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Okay,,, I kinda messed up writing this chapter and I don't really want to change it, so let's pretend that before they went to find the Jawas they moved the Razor Crest next to Kuiil's house... somehow... okay??
I high key forgot that they're supposed to be hours away from each other, but whatever.

Mando's P.O.V.

It began to get dark about halfway back to Kuiil's place. Y/N and I had both told him what we could about what we saw the child do, but he didn't understand it anymore than we did.
When were were almost back, I felt something against my shoulder and looked to see Y/N fast asleep. It was strange really, we had worked together plenty of times in the past, and I knew I could trust her, but she never let her guard down this much around me. First, she willingly got some rest after we had secured the child and then she was actually falling asleep against me?

"She has a lot of trust in you." Kuiil spoke as if he was reading my mind.
"She is a strong woman- very strong, but even the strongest people need someone to rely on. That includes Mandalorians."

"She's just overly tired. Her armour isn't as strong as mine and she really got knocked around by the Mud Horn." I explained, looking at the girl. She had several bruises covering one side of her face and neck, as well as a split lip and a cut on her cheek.
"She doesn't need me."

"You're wrong." Kuiil stated.
"I have spoken." He stopped the cart and I looked at him, not wanting to move and wake the sleeping bounty hunter.
"Take her and the child inside. They need their rest." I didn't argue with him, I was too tired to. Instead, I carefully picked Y/N up, holding her close as I took her inside the house. She didn't stir as I placed her down and for a frightening second, I thought she was dead.
Y/N was my friend. One of the very few I had made and actually trusted. I cared about her.
Kuiil was right, she is strong, which is why it was so hard for me to see her in such a weakened state.

"You can... go over there." I muttered, placing the child's carrier in the corner. He was still sleeping too, but as far as I could tell, uninjured. I found a cloth and bowl, filling it with water, before going back over to Y/N. I carefully cleaned the cuts on her cheek and her lip, before wiping as much of the mud off of her face as I could. The bruises on her face were bad, and there were probably a lot worse ones underneath her armour, but I didn't want to overstep.
The last thing I wanted was for her to wake up to find me undressing her.
I wiped the last bit of mud off of her cheek and her fingers wrapped around my wrist as her eyes cracked open.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a raspy voice, looking at me carefully.

"You were hurt pretty bad. I was just trying to help." I looked into her E/C eyes and I saw genuine fear. I scared her.
"You're safe now, Y/N. Just try and get some rest." I stood up and backed away, moving towards the door.

"Mando..." I froze for a second, before shaking my head and going outside to Kuiil.

"There's no way we're going to get this to work without a full maintenance facility." I sighed, looking up at my ship.
"This is going to take days to fix."

"If you care to help, it might go faster." Kuiil shrugged and I nodded, silently agreeing. Maybe it would get my mind off of Y/N.
"There's much work to do."


After hours and hours of hammering, welding and hard work, my ship was fully functional again and looking better than it had in a while.

"I can't thank you enough. Please allow me to give you a portion of the reward?" I asked and the man in front of me shook his head.

"I cannot accept. You are my guest and I am, therefore, in your service." Kuiil replied stubbornly and although I couldn't wait to get off this planet, I felt like I had made an ally out of the man.
"I could use a crew member of your ability and I can pay handsomely."

"I am honoured." He bowed his head slightly.
"But I have worked a lifetime to finally be free of servitude."

"I understand. Then, all I can offer is my thanks."

"And I offer mine." He smiled slightly.
"Thank you for bringing peace to my valley." He left my ship, going towards his house.
"And good luck with the child! May it survive and bring you a handsome reward!" He nodded his head.
"I have spoken."
I moved through to the cockpit, where Y/N and the child were already waiting.

"Next stop... Naverro." I sighed, starting up the engines.
The child still slept and I was starting to get worried about him.

"He'll be fine." Y/N sighed.
"Whatever that was that he did- it exhausted him. I'm sure he'll be wondering around soon enough."

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