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I really don't want to continue episode 6
I just don't like the episode as a whole and although the show is great, that one episode really bothers me so I'm just skipping straight to episode 7.

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Okay. New rule." I announced as I dropped down in my seat in the cockpit.
"No more jobs with old friends, no matter how good the pay is." Mando looked back at me, as if he was waiting for me to explain.
"I wanted to kill every one of those swamp rats at least 3 times in the few hours we spent together and I don't think I can suffer through anything like that again."

"What if the reward is freedom?" Mando asked carefully.

"You're going to have to explain a little more than that." He turned back around and the child babbled softly. He pressed something, before a hologram of Greef Karga appeared by the controls.

"My friend! If you are receiving this transmission, that means you are alive. You might be surprised to hear this, but I am alive too! I guess we can call it even. A lot has happened since we last saw each other, the man who hired you is still here and his ranks of ex imperial guards have grown. They have imposed despotic rule over my city which has imploded the lively hood of the Guild. We consider him an enemy, but we cannot get close enough to take him out." Greef sighed over the transmission.

"This can't be real." I muttered, shaking my head.

"If you would consider one last commission, I will very much make it worth your while. You have been successful so far in staving off their hunters, but they will not stop until they have their prize. So, here is my proposition. Return to Nevarro. Bring the child as bait. I will arrange an exchange and provide loyal guild members as protection. Once we get near the client, you kill him, and we both get what we want. If you succeed, you keep the child and I will have your name cleared with the guild. For a man of honour should not be forced to live in exile. I await your arrival with optimism." The hologram faded.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"Honestly?" I sighed.
"I think it's a trap. We killed a lot of guild members last time we were in Nevarro, not to mention you shot him. There's no way he should be that friendly with you."

"But what I'd it's not a trap? What if we deal with this and the child is safe?" Mando pushed and I knew he was right. There was no real way of checking if it was legitimate or not.

"If you want to do this, Mando, I'll do it with you. Greef clearly doesn't know I'm still with you, or that message would have been aimed at both of us, but in case this is a trap, we're going to need back up."  He nodded in agreement.
"Anyone in mind?"

"You know, there's a certain ex rebel shocktrooper, who I bet will be up for it." I smiled at his response and he pressed a few buttons, before setting off to find our friend.
Cara was still on Sorgan and we found her at in the same place that we met her.
She was taking part in an organised fight, the type that you bet on and no one really gets hurt.
I watched with a smile as she won the fight with ease, collecting the cash she had won.

"Looking for some work?" Mando asked as the crowd cleared. She looked at us, a short laugh escaping her throat.

"Come on." She led us over to the table and sat down, ordering food and drink for herself. I ordered the child some bone broth, but Mando and I didn't eat or drink anything.
"It's good to see you guys again."

"And you. You're looking good." I nodded and she grinned at me.

"I'm just keeping myself busy, baby." She shrugged.
"Talking of being busy, what's this job?" Mando began to explain everything and Cara was hesitant to accept.
"I don't know. I've been advised to lay low. If anybody runs my chain code I'll rot in a cell for the rest of my life."

"I thought you were a veteran?" I smirked a little.

"Come back soon." Cara smiled at the man, who she had beaten up, as he handed her credits.
"I've been a lot of things since. Most of them carry a life sentence. If I so much as book passage on a ship registered by the new republic I'm-"

"I have a ship." Mando interrupted.
"I can bring you there and back with a handsome reward. You can live free of worry.

"I'm already free of worry and I'm not in the mood to play soldier anymore. Especially fighting some local warlord." Cara sighed.

"He's not a local warlord." Mando shrugged.

"He's imperial." I watched as her eyes lit up at my comment and I knew we had her.

"I'm in." She nodded and I couldn't stop the grin from spreading across my face.
As soon as we got off of Sorgan, Mando insisted we got a little more geared up.
"Is he alright up there, alone?" Cara asked, referring to the child we had left in the cockpit.

"Yeah." Mando replied.
"Pick one. Both of you."

"You trust the contact?" Cara asked.

"Not particularly." Mando sighed.

"Definitely not." I corrected as Cara and I looked at the different weapons.
"We had a run in last time we were there."

"So then why are we going?"

"We don't have a choice. You saw what happened on Sorgan. The kid will never be safe until the imp is dead."

"And you're okay with bringing him back there?" Cara asked, unsure.

"Not really. That's why I'm bringing you." Mando looked at her, seconds before the ship shook violently, causing us to groan. We raced up to the cockpit, finding the child playing with the controls like they were a toy. It would have been adorable if he didn't almost kill us.
Mando handed the child to Cara, who looked a little scared, before handing him to me.

"Someone's in a playful mood." I muttered as the child pulled himself up onto my shoulders, holding onto my head carefully.

"We need someone to watch that thing." Cara sighed.
"You got anyone you can trust?"

"Yeah. I think we do." I smiled a little and Mando looked at me.

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