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Y/N's P.O.V.

I watched, amused, as the child pressed several buttons on the control panel, making things light up and lights go out.

"Stop touching things." Mando sighed, the child making a soft noise.
He pressed another button and the ship shook with turbulence, before Mando quickly stopped it and picked up the child.
"Watch him." Mando handed me the child and he giggled.

"Hey, buddy." I whispered, holding the child up.
"Where are we headed, Mando?"

"Let's see... Sorgan. Looks like there's no star port, no industrial centres, no population density. A real backwater slug hole." He muttered.

"Well, doesn't that sound lovely?" I asked the child, making him coo.

"It means it's perfect for us." Mando nodded, before turning to face us.
"You ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months you little wamp rat?"

"Nobody is gonna find us here." I said to the child, not sure whether I was trying to convince him or me.  Mando began to lower the ship onto the forest planet, the child looking out of the window curiously.

"Now listen. We're going to go out there and look around." Mando explained, picking up the child and sitting him down in his own seat.
"It shouldn't take too long." He sighed, sounding like a tired parent.
"Now, don't touch anything. We'll find us some lodging then we'll come back for you. You stay right here. You stay." Mando held his hands up as he spoke and I had to hold back my laugh.
"Don't move. You understand? Great." We left the cockpit and I couldn't keep the grin off of my face.

"The kid didn't understand a word you just said and if he did, he's not going to listen." I shrugged and Mando opened the doors. Right on cue, the child stepped in between us and cooed once again, making Mando sigh.

"Oh, what the Hell. Come on." Mando walked off the ship and I watched the child follow, taking tiny footsteps and trying to keep up with him. I followed behind, keeping my eye on the little one.
I noticed Mando taking shorter steps, letting the child keep up with him.
"Shut up." He looked back at me.

"I didn't say anything." I grinned.

"No, but you were thinking it." He muttered and I laughed.

"Actually, I was thinking about how adorable it is that you're the best bounty hunter I've ever worked with and possibly the most dangerous man alive and yet you have a soft spot for a child." I teased.

"That's why I'm telling you to shut up." He muttered, making me smile. We reached a hut and I figured that inside we'd be able to find food and lodging.
The kid seemed excited to be around so many people and Mando led us over to a table, sitting down, but not before helping the kid up onto a seat.

"Rebel shocktrooper." I said lowly to Mando, glancing up at the woman who was watching us.
"The stripes on her arm gave it away."

"Welcome, travellers. Can I interest you in anything?" A waitress asked, coming over to the table.

"Bone broth, for the little one." Mando ordered.

"Oh, well, you're in luck. There's plenty could I interest the two of you in some broth, as well?" She smiled.

"Just the one." I smiled and she nodded.

"Very well." She turned to leave when Mando spoke up.

"That one, over there." He nodded towards the shocktrooper.
"When did she arrive?"

"I- I've seen her here for the last week or so." The waitress shrugged.

"What's her business here?" Mando pushed.

"Business? Oh, well, there's not much business is Sorgan, so-" I dropped a few credits onto the table, persuading her to continue.
"She doesn't strike me as a long runner- thank you, miss. I will get that broth to you as soon as possible and I will throw in a flagen of spotchka. Just for good measure. I will be right back with that." She walked away and I noticed the shocktrooper was gone.

"Go. I've got the kid." Mando nodded and got out of his seat, heading towards the door. If he wasn't back in a few minutes, I'd go after him, but until then, I'd watch the child. The waitress brought over the broth and the drink, but the child didn't seem to be interested.
"Come on, aren't you hungry?" I asked and he pointed towards the door, making a small sound.
"Yeah, okay. Let's go and find him." I picked the child up, before giving him the small bowl, letting him drink from it as we went outside. Finding the two of them wasn't difficult, they were both on the ground, blasters pointed at each other. The child slurped his food loudly and they both looked up at us.

"You want some soup?" Mando offered the woman and a small smile crept onto her face.
We went inside and introduced ourselves. Cara Dune, an ex rebel shocktrooper, who was hiding on Sorgan after she left her post.

"Well, this has been a real treat." She smiled, standing up after finishing her meal.
"But unless you want to go another round, one of us is going to have to move on and... I was here first."

"Well, looks like this planet is taken." Mando sighed and I hummed.

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