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I forgot about this fic 😭😭😭
I have so many drafts it just got mixed in with them

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Here we are." Greef sighed as we made it to the old guild hideout. He opened the door and pushed Mando and I both inside.
"You see... 4." He muttered, referring to the stormtroopers.
He led us towards the client, who was waiting by a table.
"Look what I brought you. As promised."

"What exquisite craftsmanship." The client whispered, trailing his fingers over Mando's armour.
"It is amazing how beautiful Beskar can be when forged by its ancestral artisans." He turned to Greef.
"Could I offer you a libation to celebrate the closing of our shared narrative?"

"I would be obliged." Greef nodded and the client gestured over to the droid at the bar, who immediately got to work on the drinks.

"Please, sit." The client gestured towards the table and we did as we were told. I moved to sit in the booth first, then Mando and then Greef. The client sat opposite us and I kept my expression neural.
The client spoke to Mando, but my focus was on the troopers, who seemed uneasy as a few more stormtroopers entered the room.
"I would like to see the baby."

"Uh... it is asleep." Greef held his hand out.

"We all will be quiet." The client was getting suspicious, I could tell.
"Open the pram." Before anything could happen, a stormtrooper came over and whispered something to the client, causing him to stand up.
"Don't think me to be rude, but I must take this call." Greef stood up as the client walked over to the bar, Mando and I slipping the handcuffs off under the table.

"Give me the blaster." Mando whispered and Greef slipped him the weapon under the table.

"You've got one shot." Greef muttered.

"This is bad. You said 4." Cara whispered, subtly handing my blaster to Greef. Greef passed it to Mando and Mando passed it to me.

"Well, there are more. What can I tell you?" Greef sighed and blaster fire suddenly shot through the window, killing the client and the stormtroopers. Mando and I acted fast, I flipped the table whilst he pulled Greef and Cara to safety, the four of us waiting for the blaster fire to stop. As soon as it did, we all scattered away from the small table, Cara and I going to one side of the window, whilst Mando and Greef went to the other.

"Deathtroopers." I muttered, feeling out of breath.
Deathtroopers are elite soldiers of Imperial Intelligence. They were the best of the best and just one was hard to kill. Fighting 6 of them was a suicide mission.
A transport stopped outside as more troopers gathered and we all looked at each other in disbelief.

"4 stormtroopers?" Cara glared at Greef, who just looked lost.
"This is bad." Mando tried contacting Kuiil as I leaned against the wall, not feeling so great.
"Y/N?" Cara asked, looking at me carefully.

"I'm fine." I shook my head and we turned back to the window to see an imperial ship landing outside. Someone climbed out and the troopers all moved to let him passed, letting him stand right in front of the Deathtroopers.

"You have something I want." He announced.

"Who's this guy?" Cara asked, clearly confused.

"You may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of, but you do not." The guy continued and Mando attempted to reach Kuiil again.
"In a few moments, it will be mine. It means more to me than you will ever know."

"Kuiil!" Mando looked at us, but due to the Ugnaught's lack of reply, it sounded like it was too late for him.

"Is there another way out?" Cara asked carefully.

"No." Greef sighed.
"That's it."

"What about the sewers?" Mando suggested.

"The sewers?" Greef pulled a face.

"The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape." Mando explained.

"Yeah. Sewers are good." I spoke and Cara nodded in agreement.

"Checking for access points." Mando began to look around the room and I pushed down the nauseous feeling that was starting to rise.

"What the Hell are they waiting for?" Cara asked, just moments before more stormtroopers arrived, holding something.
"Hold up. They're setting up an e-web."

"It's over." Greef muttered.

"I found the sewer vent." Mando announced and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's get the Hell out of here." We all made a run towards the back of the room, following Mando's lead. He and Cara removed some seating, revealing a large grid, but no matter how hard we tried, it wasn't coming off.

"It's assembled. How long until that thing is clear?" Greef looked at us and I shook my head.

"Blow it." Cara looked at Mando.

"I'm out of charges." Mando sighed and I leaned against the wall.

"Get out of the way." Cara tried shooting at it, but it did nothing.
"Y/N, ideas?"

"I don't- I..." I shook my head, before realising it was a bad idea and made me dizzy. I squeezed my eyes shut and a hand landed on my arm.

"Y/N?" Cara asked carefully.
"Did you get hit?"

"No- no, I don't think so." She moved so I was sat down.

"Your arm." Greef said suddenly and I looked at him.
"You were scratched by one of the Mynocks last night."

"No." I shook my head in denial.
"Mando pushed me... that's not..."

"Even small dosages of the poison are deadly, they just take longer to begin effecting you." Greef explained.
"I'm afraid that I'd you don't get an antidote soon, you will die."

"We're not going to let that happen." Mando replied stubbornly.

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