Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Revenge is a Bitch

I can't believe he dumped me. You don't dump me. I dump you. I have the perfect revenge planned. I found Lucas, my new boyfriend, waiting on me.

"Hey, baby," he said, "What's wrong."

"I'm just plotting revenge against my ex. He dumps me, and then he goes out and finds himself a boyfriend."

"Wait, wait, wait. Chase is a fag?"

"I think he was on the borderline when we dated."

"This is perfect. We've been trying to find something to use against him for years. Don't worry, babe. I'll take care of it for you."


I wake up with a warm feeling on my chest. I open my eyes and see Luke cuddled up in my arms. I smile and I give him a kiss on the head.

"Hey, babe. Time to get up."

He groaned, "Five more minutes."

"I thought you would want to go jogging with me this morning."

He perks up. "Sure. It gives me more time to spend with you."

"Alright then, lazybones. Get up." I let go of him and we both go and get changed. We went out and headed to the park.

"How about a little competition?" Luke asked, "You and I race."

I laugh. "Sure, you are gonna lose."

"We'll see about that."

I explained the rules and the route to him. We were to finish back where we started.

"You ready, Luke?"

He goes the whole ten yards in getting in a sprinter's stance with his tail high in the air and a smirk on his face. "Yup."


He and I take off. He had the early lead on me. It's fine, I'm pacing myself. He's exerting all of his energy. He's building a larger lead and he's not slowing down. Damn! How much energy could this wolf have? I think to myself. We run, avoiding other people as we go. I started to sprint just to try to catch up.

In the end, Luke ended up beating me by a foot. "So what was that about me losing?" He said.

"Shut up, I underestimated you."

"Uh huh. Sure you did."

We walked back to the dorm and took showers. Afterwards, I made Luke and I breakfast and Luke headed to class.

Last night was fun. I got to tell a bitch off. I waited so long to do that. After dinner, I went home and passed out.

My morning was fairly normal. I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, fixed my fur, etc. I headed to class and met up with Luke.

"Hey, bud. How was the movie?"

"It was great." He was unusually happy. I know he got the guy of his dreams, but still.

"Anything interesting happen?"

"I beat Chase on his morning jog. We raced and I beat him."

I laughed. "Nice!" I ruffled his hair. "That's my little fluffbucket."

"Hey, not the hair!"

"Too bad." I laughed. He tries to fix it as best as he can, but it's no use. I hand him a brush and he brushes it back out. "It's no use dude. Sorry I messed it up, but it's not fixing."

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