Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: I Love You Now and Forever

"I wish this pain would go away," I said once again.

"Chase and I missed you, buddy," Kristina said.

"So I was only out for the whole weekend?"

"Friday, Saturday, and most of today," Chase said.

"You and I have a lot to catch up on," I said.

"Not anytime soon there Mr. Smith," the doctor came in and said, "You still are fairly weak. We need to keep your breathing in check, plus you need at least a week to heal from surgery. Chase can be here as long as he wants, but you need to rest."

"Yes, sir," Chase said.

"Can you explain how bad I was when I arrived?"

"Do you really want to know?" The doctor asked.


"Well, your rib cage was shattered. Your right lung was punctured, your arm was broken, and you have a minor concussion."

My eyes widen. "You gotta be kidding."

"Nope. Every word the doctor said is true," Chase said, "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself."

"Well thank god I didn't die. I don't want to be away from you."

Kristina awed and squealed a little bit. "That was the most adorable thing I've heard." That made Chase blush even more than what I said.

"I can no longer imagine one day without seeing your cute little face," Chase replied.

"I take that back. THAT was the most adorable thing I've heard all day," Kristina said.

"Now Luke is the one redder than a tomato," Simba said.

"All cheesy things aside," the doctor said, "Luke, it'll be about two weeks till you can go home. From there, rest another week then you can go back to school."

"Thanks doc," I said.

Chase and I continued holding paws and he occasionally kissed mine.

"I really did miss seeing those adorable light brown eyes of yours," Chase said.

"Hey, doc. Did y'all take my phone out of my jeans pocket and set it somewhere in here?" I ask.

"It's on the side table next to you."

"Luke, want me to run by our dorm and grab the charger?"

"I need some way to talk to you. You are gonna be busy during the week."

"Be back in a few minutes," Chase said, walking out the door.

This just left Kristina, Simba and I.

"So how did you two meet?" Simba asked.

"It was fairly embarrassing, for me at least."

"Care to explain?" Kristina asked.

My face turned red. "Well... uhh... I walked out of my room in my boxers and froze when I saw him sitting at the kitchen table. I kind of forgot my current situation until he said 'I recommend putting on some clothes before walking out the door.'"

"Ok that explains how you two met. That's classic Chase, by the way. he points out the obvious things," Simba said, "But my question is, how did you two start dating?"

"Well, before he dated me, he had a girlfriend, Stacy. He found out a day later that she was cheating on him for Lucas. He came back to the dorm in tears and I went to comfort him. At the time, I thought I had no chance, so I at least tried to be a good friend. Then he told me that he cared for me. He was happy to have someone like me actually care deeply for him. He said he shouldn't have suppressed his true feelings and he told me that he loved me. After that, we officially became boyfriends."

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