Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: The Dance

I grabbed Luke's hand and drug him into the flower shop with me. He's gonna pick out his rose for the tux tonight. I mean, I have an idea of what he wants, but I'm giving him the freedom to choose what he wants. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a rose.

The store was fairly crowded. Most of the customers, if I had to guess, are about our age, maybe slightly younger or older.

I look over at Luke, and judging by his expression, I don't think he really wanted to be drug in here. I drop my ears a little bit and grab his paw.

He looks up at me. He knows I feel bad for making him go in here, because he nods and goes to pick out his flower. I go to pick out mine.

After about 10 minutes of searching, I found a white rose. I find white roses to be a symbol of purity. They are very pretty. I see why Luke loves them, and that would be why I chose it. I want Luke to know for an absolute fact that I love him, and I will never leave his side.

I wait near the register for Luke. I wonder what on earth he could possibly be looking for, then, I see what he has in his paw. He had a pink rose, a mix of both of our favorites.

I see him blush lightly and his tail wag when he looks at me with the rose. I show him what I chose and he covered his muzzle and blushed deeply. Seeing him blush like that makes me chuckle. It's a very cute blush.

When he meets up with me, I pay for both of our roses and we go back in the car. We are now at a time limit. We have one hour before the homecoming dance and I want Luke to have the best time there. I laid everything out before I left this morning so it shouldn't take that long.

It's about a 20 minute drive from the shop to our dorm, depending on the traffic and weather. Well, weather isn't an issue. It's pretty cloudy but no rain. It provided a nice breeze, and traffic was normal.

When we made it back to the dorm, Luke and I rushed to get everything on and ready to head to the dance. I helped Luke get his tux on and he helped me. Samantha was already gone. Figures, she is the one holding the dance.

She and a committee of other students usually met once or twice a week, to plan this all out. It's pretty impressive in my opinion. I can't wait to see how they've planned it.

We got dressed and I clipped his rose on his tux and clipped my rose on mine. Then, I took Luke's hand and led him to my car where once again, I got to drive somewhere. This dance better be good, I just exploited my secret with the rest of America. That'll be on the news for a couple days. I can see the headline. Huge NFL Prospect: Gay. I have no regrets of what I did. I love him.

I drive over to the gym. That's where the dance was being held. Luke and I didn't even get out of the car and we could still hear the music. Are they trying to kill us? Some of us have sensitive and by some, I mean Luke's already covering his ears. I look through the glovebox on my car and fortunately enough, I have a pack of earplugs in there.

I hand a pair to Luke and he doesn't hesitate to put them on. I put on in myself, I don't want to go deaf as well.

I get out my car, walk over to the passenger side, open the door, and hold my paw out for Luke. He smiles and take hold of it. I may or may not have pulled him out of the car so he stumbles into my arms. Come on does that even sound like me?...

Ok fine, I did. It was funny and cute. His eyes looking at mine as I look at his and his blush. I giggle and kiss that beautiful muzzle of his, then leading him into the gym. He clings to my arm, making me blush slightly. I can hear Luke laughing. He must have noticed my blush. Damn my white furred cheeks. I headlock him and ruffle his head playfully. He tries to get out of it but he can't. It's fun seeing him try.

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