Chapter 3

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    Lin Wan's tears were rustling down, and she couldn't tell whether it was uncomfortable or moved.

    His grievances, his worries, he was so anxious that he didn't know what to say, but at that moment, he really wanted to talk.

    Zhou Ning couldn't understand such a complicated thing yet. In his eyes, Lin Wan seemed to be in a hurry to hit a combination of punches, his hands were dazzling, and he didn't understand the content at all.

    But I couldn't say I didn't understand directly. I was afraid that Lin Wan would be disappointed, so I had to stop him at the right time, "Speak slowly in a moment, hit the inhibitor first, and I will teach you."

    Lin Wan calmed down obediently, and Zhou Ning helped him pack the packaging. Tear it apart, and then pulled his forearm to point to a position, "Here, it's very simple."

    It wasn't a spanking... Lin Wan took it in a daze, but the needle pierced the skin but couldn't get down, he didn't dare.

    "Are you afraid?"

    I don't know how long Lin Wan endured alone, sweating a lot on her body, and her eyes didn't look sober, Zhou Ning knew she couldn't delay any longer, "Then... I'll do it."

    "It doesn't hurt, look elsewhere, don't look at your arm."

    Looking elsewhere, Lin Wan stared at Zhou Ning's profile as he was giving him the injection seriously.

    This is the best-looking face he has ever seen, but he can't boast of advanced words. If he were asked to describe it, it would be: a high nose bridge, big eyes, like a prince, a refined and noble prince.

    "Okay." After a few seconds, Zhou Ning raised her head and bumped into Lin Wan's tearful eyes, her Adam's apple rolling up and down.

    "It's so beautiful."

    Zhou Ning said that after thinking so, knowing that Lin Wan was suffering, he still moved his mind. In fact, from the moment he first entered the house and smelled the fragrance, he had a faint feeling.

    Lin Wan looked at him in surprise. No one in his mind praised him with such positive words, because he was scolded a lot for this face.

    He has a bit of a fox look, especially those eyes, which are very seductive. But his character is cowardly and timid, and only when he is lustful can he reveal charm from his innocence, and there is a sense of enchantment that can be crushed.

    The two kept a distance where they could kiss as soon as they got closer. Zhou Ning raised his hand and wanted to press the back of his head. He wanted a long kiss with a dry mouth. In the end, he just put it on his shoulders and took him into his arms. .

    "It smells so good..." The thick pheromone emanated from the glands, Zhou Ning wanted to bite down, but felt that it was too early, for fear of disturbing him.

    Gently rubbed with his chin, restrained his restlessness, and sighed in his ear, "Xiao Wan, I like you so much."

    Zhou Ning didn't dislike him, and Lin Wan's stiff body relaxed. He also likes Zhou Ning. The only person in the world that he likes is Zhou Ning.

    It took a while for Zhou Ning to let go of him: "Is it better?"

    Lin Wan nodded. It was only then that he knew ignorantly that there was a cure for him, so he no longer had to be abused for no reason, and endured the shameful desire to spend one long night after another.

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