Chapter Two: Changing Lightbulbs.

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"Good morning, pops

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"Good morning, pops." I smile brightly at him as he sits on his, classic, old man rocking chair with his morning tea. Oh, to be this old with no worries.

"Good morning, darling." He smiled right back at me. "What are you doing today?"

"It's Sunday so I think I'll hang out with friends." The second that sentence left my mouth, both of us were doubled over with laughter. The old man careful about his tea.

It's no secret that I have literally no friends, I've always been a bit of a loner. And when people found out that I'm an orphan living with her eighty year old grandfather . . . Well let's just say they didn't want to have anything to do with me.

It's okay though, my pops is better than all of the annoying high school kids.

"That was a good one sweetheart," he let out another chuckle.

"I know, right?" I kissed his head and went over to the kitchen to grab breakfast.

"January?" Pops called.

I hummed back.

"That August boy is coming over today to change a couple of lightbulbs, I just wanted to let you know." He said.

"Why can't I change the lightbulbs?" I walked back to the living room where pops was sitting, his book placed on his lap.

"Because the last time you did that you blew the fuse out and almost got electrocuted, I don't know what you did up there on the ladder but I'm not letting you do that again." Pops took a sip of his tea.

I have no idea what I did up there too, but I'm willing to try again, just so Atlas doesn't come over, I'm a social butterfly, I know.

"But pops, I've got a burnt out lightbulb in my room, that means he'll have to go up there, that means I'll have to clean it." I whined, I have an organized chaos up there and if I'll organize it it'll be ruined.

"Better start cleaning then," he smiled at me and picked up his book.

We have this unspoken rule that nobody can come over unless the house is clean and tidy and thankfully all the house but my room is tidy, we usually don't have people over anyway so the unspoken rule remained silent but not forgotten.

"What time is he coming over?" I ask.

"In about thirty minutes." Pops replied.


I'll have to have a late breakfast then, I was really looking forward to this breakfast, pops made his breakfast muffins that are so good they literally melt in your mouth, I really wanted to have it with blueberry tea.

Oh well.

I run up to my room which looking at it from this perspective is kinda messy but I still love it.

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