Chapter Three: Drawings.

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"January?" Pops called once he walked through the front door, he found me in the kitchen with my history homework sprawled out over the table

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"January?" Pops called once he walked through the front door, he found me in the kitchen with my history homework sprawled out over the table.

"What hurricane passed through here?" He asked, bewildered.

"Katrina," I muttered.

"Hurricane Katrina more like hurricane tortilla," the third person in the room, Atlas, which I didn't even know was in the room, made me jump. "Woah there Jade." He sat next to me.

"Bro, don't do that!" I whacked his arm.

"Do what?" He chuckled, "exist?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"That's my girl," pops smiled as I packed up all my things.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Atlas.

"Well, your grandfather invited me over to dinner." Atlas shrugged.

I raised my eyebrow at pops, don't get me wrong, pops likes Atlas, he just doesn't like to show it.

Pops shrugged, "finish your homework in your room sweetheart, take him with you, I've been enough around him for one day."

"You invited him!" I exclaimed.

"Your hospitality is astounding," August smiled sweetly at us.

"Shut up," I grabbed his arm and pulled him up with me to my room.

"Second time this week," he said as he plopped down on my bed, "although I do miss the Winnie The Pooh PJ's."

"Stop mocking them, they're cute!" I exclaim. My outfit today is just some straight jeans and a chunky sweater, totally fitting the cold weather and keeping me warm. "Now scooch." I push him to the other side of the bed a little so I can finish my homework on my bed.

"You have a desk," he whined.

"My house, my rules." I gave him my best glare, which is pretty good especially because pops thought me how to do it.

"You're so bossy," he muttered.

I shrug.

"Can I borrow some paper?" He suddenly asks out of nowhere.

"Uh sure," I rip a couple of papers from my notebook.

"Well it's not really borrowing if I use it right?" He smirks and winks at me. Freaking winks at me.

"What do you want?" I raise my eyebrow, exasperated.

"Nothing, grumpy." He poked my side.

And I, of course, swatted his hand away.

I continued doing my homework while he did whatever it is that he's doing.

"Can you look at me for a second?" He piped up.

"What?" I turn to him.

He took a good few moments as he surveyed my face, "perfect, thanks." He continued scribbling on the piece of paper. Where did he even get a pen from?

"Dinner's ready!" Pops called, making me scramble off the bed and get to the table. I'm starving.

"Slow down there Gonzales," Atlas chuckled, but I ignored him.

I reached the table and sat on my usual seat but as I was just about to dive in pops slapped my hand, "hey what was that for?" I frowned.

"We have a guest." Pops muttered with a small scowl as we patiently waited for August to show up.

"Thank god, slow poke." I finally took a bite from the spaghetti meatballs as he sat down next to me.

"She gets grumpy when she's hungry." Pops explains for me.

"I noticed," Atlas smirked then kicked my foot under the table and placed a piece of paper on my thigh, 'open it later' he mouthed.

I scrunched up my face, kicked him back and continued blissfully eating pops' divine food.

After dinner Atlas went home and I washed the dishes and finished my homework.

So now, sitting on my bed freshly showered and in my PJ's I finally open up the piece of paper that Atlas gave me, making me completely shocked.

He drew me.

He freaking drew me. Who even knew he could draw?

And it's pretty accurate as well, with the explosion of freckles on my face, the light eyes and my tongue was peaking out of my mouth as I was doing my homework, a habit that I have when I concentrate, he's a really good artist.


Hey, hi, hello.

How are you?

This isn't a very long chap but I still hope you enjoyed it!

Love you, thank you fir reading <3

Love you, thank you fir reading <3

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