Chapter Thirteen: Parents.

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January Jade is amazing

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January Jade is amazing.

She truly is the best person I know.

I don't know how Lana would've survived this long without telling anyone about her pregnancy.

I don't think anyone else could have talked sense into me the same way she did.

I don't know why but anytime I'm near her it's like my mind goes blank and gets lost in her peace.

She seems to have that effect on people, the way she calms my twin sister, her grandfather and me.

Her peers are so fucking stupid to ignore her, the best person who has ever walked the halls of that stupid school.

I've never felt these types of feelings before but I'm pretty sure I like her. Really like her. Like like her.

"You okay there bud?" My father's voice infiltrates my spiraling thoughts.

I look up to the man I got my height and eyes from. My dad and I weren't really close growing up, but ever since I started working for Walter Carlton we started to amend our relationship and I can say full heartedly that I adore my dad.

"I-" I drop my head back to staring at my hands.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

"Too much," I think of my sister's surprise pregnancy, my newfound feelings towards the best girl in the world, a girl who I won't ever be deserving of.

"Talk to me, maybe I can help." He sat on the bar stool next to me.

My dad gives the best advice, I'm sure he could help me but one of the things on my mind is not my secret to tell and the other generally doesn't have a fixation.

"There's a girl." My dad stated.

I look at him in shock. "How'd you know?"

"The look on your face is the same one I had when I first started seeing your mom," he explained, "that look just intensified with the years." He reminisced, "talk to me," he turned his tentative gaze to me.

"There's a girl." I whispered admittedly.

"I know."

"She's the best girl in the world, dad," I admit, "she's kind and funny and she banters with me, mostly because I tease her too much, she's smart, so fucking smart dad, and she's got these big, big green eyes that sometimes fade into this mesmerizing grey with an explosion of freckles all over her face, she's, she's just the best."

My dad smiles knowingly, "she sounds like a very nice girl, son."

"Who is?" My mom enters the kitchen.

"The girl August likes." My dad takes my mom's hand in his and kisses it.

My parents have this unyielding love for each other, always did, they met in their senior year of college and my mom had Lana and me not long after, that's partially why I think they would accept Lana's pregnancy fairly easily.

"What girl? January?" My mom asks and I flush a deep pink.

"It is her!" She exclaims, "oh she's lovely darling."

"You've met her for literally five minutes." I grumble, not liking being embarrassed.

"Yeah, and first impressions are very telling, and by my first impression of her I can say that she's really lovely," my mom nodded, "she seems really close to Lane Lane too."

"Yeah, they're good friends." I nod.


"By the way, what happened today? Lana looked really upset." My mom asked.

Knew it.

"Lane and I had a fight and January helped us make up." I spit some shitty excuse.

"Oh, what did you fight about?" Dad asked.

"Something about school," I mutter.

"Oh, what?" Mom asked.

"Can you guys stop with the interrogation please?" I snip.

"No," my mother smiled and ruffled my hair.

"She's joking, bud, of course we'll stop," dad smiled.

"Thank you," I rest my head on the table.

I don't want to go upstairs because I know Lana is waiting to talk to me, and I'm really not ready for it.

It's not that I'm mad or disappointed or anything, I have no right to be, but I am fucking angry, not at her obvs, but on her shit ex boyfriend who thinks it's okay to not take responsibility over his actions. Dickhead.

I'm afraid to take it out on her, she doesn't need anymore added stress.

If I didn't go to January first today, I would have probably made a pit stop at Jacob's place and reorganized his entire ugly face.

But the second I saw her face I calmed down a notch, like I said, she has that effect on people.

"You okay, bub?" Mom asked.

I nod my head, then I shake it, then I nod again, I result to shrugging.

"You want to talk about it?" She lifted my head and cupped my cheeks.

"No, thank you." I feel like I'm a child again.

"Okay, precious, but if you need to, you know your dad and I are always a available." She kissed my forehead.

"Thank you," I smile softly at her.

"No problem," the say simultaneously and smile, then they climb up the stairs and go to their room.

I love my parents, but I think I need to face my sister now.

"Hey, Lane-Lane," I knock on her door.

She opens immediately and throws herself in my arms, giving me one of her bear hugs.

I walk us in her room and close the door, "I'm so sorry Lane-Lane." I repeatedly kiss her head.

"I was so scared, August." She admits as she untangles herself from me and sits on her bed.

"I'm so sorry," my eyes start stinging, "just so you know, I was never mad at you, I was mad at Jacob, and I let that control me, Jade put me back on track." I pull her to me.

"You really like her, huh." She muses, classic Lana, deflecting conversation when she feels uncomfortable.

"Not on the topic." I pinch her arm and she hits me back.

"I forgive you, asshole." She smiles brightly.

"Thank god," I deflate.

Hey, hi, hello.

How are you?

This chap was pretty cute if I do say so myself.

I'm sorry I didn't update last week, I was really busy.

Anyhow, I hope you like this chap :).

Kay, love you byeeee

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Kay, love you byeeee

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