Chapter Four: History Homework.

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"Pops?" I called into the shop as I walked in

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"Pops?" I called into the shop as I walked in.

"He went out," Atlas said as he walked out of the back room.

"Oh," well this is disappointing. "Whatcha' doing?" I leaned against the counter.

"Nothing really, it's been a slow day." Atlas shrugged.

"Oh, well what do you do on slow days?"

"I try to pick up a book and read it but it never really works, then I distract myself with thinking about how ironic it is that I hate reading but work at a bookstore." Atlas smiles a little.

"What book did you try to read?" I ask.

"That Villette you started reading the other day," he shrugged.

"I finished reading it here and Villette? You seriously tried to read a Brontë book when you don't like reading? That'll traumatize you." A big taunting smile played on my lips.

"Yeah well I figured that," Atlas shrugged, "you really finished it?" He asked.

"Yep," I nodded.

"How?" He looks completely astonished.

"Well first I like to open the book itself, but that's completely personal preference, then I like to turn the page over-"

"Smartass," Atlas interrupted my sarcasm and shoved me gently from the counter. Making me start laughing.

"It's not that funny," Atlas shrugged but I could see the start of a smile on his lips.

"It is," I said when I settled down a little.

"Okay fine maybe it is," he smiled.

"Where did pops go?" I ask him.

"He said he needed to run errands so naturally I offered that I'll go and he'll stay here, but he didn't listen to me." Classic pops.

"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"

"What did you need from him? Maybe I can help?" Atlas offered.

"Oh I have history homework, pops usually helps me."

"I love history, I can help you." Atlas rounded the counter and led me to the couch at the end of the classics isle.

"Uh, thank you." I smiled softly at him.

An hour goes by where Atlas teaches me about the riveting history of America/ government.

"So you're basically telling me that I have to study all this until my next test?" I ask, all hope about getting a B plus or even minus leaving my body.

"Yes, it's easy once you make flash cards and memorize everything." Atlas nodded and started patting my shoulder in mock comfort.

I, of course, swat his hand away.

"August?" I hear pops call as the bell above the door jingles.

Atlas immediately jumps up to meet pops by the door.

"Hi pops," I call as I start towards them.

"January," pops' entire face lights up, "you're here." He smiles brightly.

"Yep," I give him a tight squeezed hug, "I needed help with my history homework."

"Oh, well come on dear, I'll help you." He pet the side of my head.

"Oh, uh, August helped me." I smiled softly at him.

"Oh, good, at least the boy does something while I'm not here." Pops glared at August.

"Hey, I'm right here." Atlas exclaimed.

"I think that was kinda the point." I whispered to him.

He nudged me.


Hey, hi, hello.

How are you?

I'm so sorry this took so long to get published I just couldn't write this chapter, I don't even know why.

I hope all of you are having an amazing day today, I love you all.

I think I'm going to bring the Quote Of The Chapter from Rame (my first book) so here it is folks☟︎

I think I'm going to bring the Quote Of  The Chapter from Rame (my first book) so here it is folks☟︎

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Bye cuties, love you.

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