Chapter Twenty Two: Cafeteria Encounters.

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Three months later

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Three months later.

I think I'm getting better every day that passes, I miss pops like crazy don't get me wrong and I still can't pick up a book without bawling my eyes out but I'm getting better.

I haven't spoken to August since I left, he still texts me every day but I'm trying not to answer him I need time to heal and I don't want to pull him down with me.

Again, if it's meant to be it'll be.

Lana's pregnancy is going well so far she only has a few weeks or so before her due date so I know I'll fly back home to see her and her baby boy.

School is also fine, my classes are easy, I'm studying English literature and will hopefully become a teacher, I made a few friends, we hang out sometimes but nothing special.

My roommate, Maddie, is also cool, she has posters in on the wall of everything she's interested in, her favorite bands, art, colors, flowers, her massive friend group that comes around every week or so and always invite me out with them.

Her side of the room is a bit messy with clothes on the floor and books and notebooks thrown everywhere.
Unlike my side of the room which is pretty tidy with my school books and notebooks in their place on my desk, my clothes in the closet or the hamper.

Suddenly, a pillow gets thrown in my face, Maddie.

"Dude, you've been staring out into space for like ten minutes, you good?" She asks.

"Yeah, just couldn't concentrate." I look up from my homework and smile at her.

Maddie is a pretty girl, she has beautiful long blond hair and fair skin, her eyes are a vibrant blue and her cheeks are always a bit rosy.

She's an art major, I've seen her paintings and she is incredible.

"You wanna go get something to eat? I'm starving." She asks.

"Sure," I say and close my book.

We go to the food hall where all of us freshmen eat, it's a big building that reminds me of the cafeteria that I used to avoid in high school, but now it's the cheapest option I have for food.

Without pops, I have no financial backbone, yes I did inherit most of pops' fortune but it wasn't much and I do need to get a job somewhere.

Maddie and I stood in line behind of the jocks, one of them sticking out to me because of his height.

He is around August's height and build, actually when you look closely he looks very similar to August.

But there is no way, I knew he wanted to stay next to home, there is no way the guy in front of me is August.

"Jan?" Maddie called to me, my head snapped to her quizzically, "you always do that!" She exclaimed and smiled at me.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Just stare when you're thinking." She smiled brightly at me.

I can understand why she has so many friends she's so bright and bubbly.

"Jade?" I heard someone call me, no, there is no way, only one person calls me Jade.

My head snapped up to meet warm brown eyes looking down at me.

"Atlas?" I couldn't stop myself and I stepped forward to him, "what are you doing here?" I asked.

He didn't answer me and instead he picked me up and gave me one of his signature bear hugs, "I missed you so much." He whispered in my ear.

"I missed you too," I looked into his warm brown eyes that started to feel like home whiteout me even noticing.

"What are you doing here?" I asked again once he put me down.

"I go here, I got a scholarship." He smiled at me. "What are you doing here?"

"I go here, I got a scholarship" I answered the same as him.

"Of course you did, smarty pants." He smiled brightly at me and pulled me into him.

I heard Maddie clear her throat, I looked back at her, I completely forgot about her, my bad.

"Jan?" She looked at me with a quizzical look.

"Oh sorry Madds, this is August, he is my best friend from back home." I explained to her.

"Oh, the one you have picture of on your desk?" She asked.

I nodded and blushed, I did not want Atlas knowing I have a picture of him anywhere, that would just inflate his ego.

He looked down to me with an amused look. Then his whole look changed and he was angry at me, "why where you ignoring me?" He asked.

"I wasn't," I lied, "oh look the line got shorter, Madds, you were starving, no?" I asked my friend and she nodded.

"I know what you're doing Jade, we will speak after dinner." He looked sternly at me but then smiled at me again.

I smiled sheepishly at him. "Okay," I looked up at him.

Hello, hello.

How are you?

First chap after a while I hope you liked it.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night.

Love uuu

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