Chapter Sixteen: Stupor Admittions.

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My eyes flutter open and I'm suddenly very aware of who I'm sleeping in the same bed with

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My eyes flutter open and I'm suddenly very aware of who I'm sleeping in the same bed with. And how.

August's body is flush against mine as we both lay on our sides facing each other, his left arm is circled around me and my right leg is thrown over his hips.

Almost every part of us is touching.

I never really took the time to look at Atlas, I knew he was a pretty guy, but shit pretty is a poor way to describe him.

His skin is clear, not a single blemish to be seen, his nose is straight, lips full and his cheekbones and jaw are sharp.

But one thing I have noticed about him are his beautiful brown eyes, they're warm and inviting, like pools of honey when the sun hits them just in the right spot.

"Are you done being a creep?" He asks with his deep morning voice.

And just like that I'm snapped from my trance and get hit with a wave of embarrassment in the form of red, rosy, cheeks.

"Aww, don't be embarrassed, Jade, it's alright to like what you see." Atlas tightened his hold on me and brought me even closer to him. "Good morning, January." He smiled brightly.

"Good morning, August." I smiled too, non of us breaking the hold we had on each other.

"Have any dreams?" He asked.

"Never do." I answer.

"How come that imaginative mind of yours didn't make up a story for you to sleep with if everything you do all day every day is read?" He asked playfully.

"I don't know, wanna ask it?" I retort playfully too.

"Yes," Atlas nodded and before I understood what was happening I was flat on my back while Atlas was straddling me, I'm aware that he's keeping most of his body weight off me so he won't quite literally crush me.

Atlas brought his lips to my ear and whispered, "that's not nice of you to let this sweet, sweet, girl in under me sleep without a nice story playing in the background."

"You think I'm a sweet, sweet, girl?" I ask Atlas trying to hold my smile in, but failing miserably as a new blush found it's way to my cheeks.

"That was a private conversation between me and your brain, it's not polite to eavesdrop." He scolded.

I couldn't hold in the laughter that bubbled out of me even if I tried.

"You're so.. unexpected, August." I smiled brightly.

"Is that a compliment?" He asked.

I shrugged with a sheepish look on my face. "A girl has got to have some secrets."

"Even from her best friend?" He asked.

"Mhm." I smiled up at him.

And it dawned on me that the dude was still straddling me.

"You want me to get off you." He noticed.

"Kinda," I nodded.

He smiled at me and climbed off of me but still kept standing on his knees as he trailed his eyes on me and paused at the apex of my thighs.

I glanced down to see that my dress has ridden up way past my underwear and I am giving Atlas a very nice view of my purple undies.

I immediately sit up and try to fix my dress but Atlas stops me as he pulls me to sit on his lap, his eyes darker than I remember.

"I like you." He said with full confidence behind his words.

My eyes widened.

"Not because of anything I saw in the past five minutes, I've actually liked you for quite some time now." He added.

"Thank you?" I said and a full blown smile creeped onto August's face.

I like this smile.

"Have you got anything to say other than that? By the way, you're welcome." He smirked.

I nodded.. then I shook my head.. then I nodded again.

"Okay, got it, when you come out of your stupor, you tell me what you think?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Great," he smiled. "I have an extra toothbrush in the bathroom, come out of the room when you're ready." Atlas lifted me off of him, kissed my cheek and left the room.

What. The. Fuck.

Hey, hi, hello.

How are you?

Well, this way a cute chap wasn't it?

The next chapter is going to be a filler one so I think I'll write the chap after that as well and I'll upload both of them together, so basically a double update.

Great so I'll see you guys next time and until then have a great day/night.

Ok bye love youuuu

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Ok bye love youuuu

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