Chapter Eleven: Decaf Coffee.

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Atlas went home but Lana is staying for the night

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Atlas went home but Lana is staying for the night.

Not that I'm complaining.

"Lana?" I enter the guest room after I got ready for bed.

"Yeah?" She lifts her head from the book I gave her to read, we don't have a tv.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I ask softly.

"I'm okay but could you come in for a second?" She asks.

I close the door behind me and sit next to her on the bed.

Lana gives me a look of hesitation, like she wants to tell me something but doesn't know if it's a good idea.

"Fuck it," she mutters, "I'm pregnant." She states.


"That's why my boyfriend, Jacob, and I broke up," she looked at me as her eyes started to water, I brought her in for a hug, "he wants me to get an abortion but I don't want to, so he got really angry and started yelling at me and threatening me so I dumped him and left."

She was sobbing now, I squeezed her tighter to me.

"My parents will kill me, hell, August will kill me." She hugged me back just as tightly.

Right then her phone started ringing, Asshole Twin, I'm guessing it's Atlas.

"You answer," she hands me her phone and hugs me again.

I press the accept button.

"Lane Lane?" His worried voice fills the room, Lana hugs me tighter to her.

"No it's January." I speak into the phone.

"Where's Lana?" He asks worriedly.

"She went to sleep early, I was just checking up on her when you called, figured I'd answer and not let you worry." I reply.

"Oh okay, tell her to give me a call when she wakes up, okay?" He asks.

"Sure," I'm about to hang up.

"Oh and Jade?" He asks.


"Thank you for everything you're doing, I really appreciate you." He hurriedly says.

"Oh it's no problem," I feel the blush climbing on my face, "good night, Atlas."

"Good night, Jade." We hang up.

I look over at Lana and see her staring wide eyed at me.

"He likes you." She states.

"No he doesn't," I immediately say, "and besides we're talking about you now."

"Don't remind me." Her eyes grow sad.

"You'll be okay, Lana, I promise." I stroked some of her hair away from her eyes.

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