Chapter nine: Movie Night.

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"I didn't know which snacks you like," I started

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"I didn't know which snacks you like," I started. "So I brought cookies, muffins and ice cream."

"Which ice cream?" Atlas asked.

"Cookie dough." I replied.

"My favorite." He smiled.

"Great." I pressed play on my computer and got comfortable on the couch.

Pops trusts me and all but he didn't want me to have a boy in my room when he was just about to go to bed and couldn't hear anything.

Plus, Atlas is huge, there was no way both of us would fit comfortably on my bed.

The opening scene of Die Hard was playing, the plane landing and Bruce Wills' face filled my computer screen.

"Fists with your toes," Atlas laughed.

"He could've said clench your toes." I offered.

"But that would've ruined the line!" Atlas argued with a smile on his face.

"True," I nodded, my own smile forming.

We continued watching the movie without talking much, just a few laughs here and there.

"You are really concentrated." Atlas mentioned.

"Yeah, there is kinda a movie playing." I retorted.

"No," he started, "I meant that you're able to concentrate a lot, just an observation."

"What do you mean?" I turned to him.

"When you read or do your homework or even now watching a movie, you concentrate pretty hard and then you do that tongue peek think, it's cute." He smiled slightly.

How do I react to this?

Well first, I blush.

"Thank you," I grabbed a cookie. "Wait does that mean you aren't able to concentrate a lot?" I ask and take a bite out of the cookie.

"Only when I draw." He replied.

"Did I even thank you for drawing me? The drawing is amazing." I smiled softly.

"You think?" His eyes lit up.

"Totally, you have a talent." I nodded.

So much so, that his drawing is framed and hanging up on my wall.

"I'm glad you liked it." His cheeks turned rosy.


"January," pops shook my shoulder a little. "Wake up, sweetheart."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes a little, I noticed I'm still on the couch. But usually, when I sleep on the couch my back hurts like a bitch afterward.

"What time is it?" A deep sleep-induced voice asked from behind me.

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