Chapter Six: Higher IQ.

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It's not that I didn't tell my family that I work at the bookstore because I'm ashamed

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It's not that I didn't tell my family that I work at the bookstore because I'm ashamed. Absolutely not, I admire Walter and everything he did to raise January at his old age.

But, if I do tell them, I'd have to tell them why I work for him and what I did, even if it happened three years ago, dad would send me to military school.

Here's the thing, I was a very bad kid and up to when I was sixteen I continued being a bad kid. I'm actually ashamed of how I used to act or how I used to treat my mom.

Walter helped me straighten up a lot, even if he didn't notice it, but the final straw was when I threw a party one week in my sophomore year and my parents were out of town, they came back home early, kicked everyone out and threatened me with military school.

Ever since then I haven't even thought of doing anything bad.

To be honest, I really like it, I still have that stupid 'bad boy' reputation at West but it does cut corners for me.

That's also why my school automatically believed Lana when she "accidentally" said that I helped her blow up the lab. At least mom believed me and not her.

Suddenly, I feel a foot nudge my calf.

"You okay?" January's soft voice interrupted my daydreaming.

"Huh? Oh yeah." I smiled at her.

"Good, cause the teacher has been calling your name for like five times." She smiles sweetly, too sweetly.

That old man has thought her too well.

"August Calloway!" The teacher called again.

"Here," I raised my hand and Jade snickered beside me.

"I know you're here, it been thirty minutes since the start of the class, I was asking you what do you think about The Catcher In The Rye?" She asks.

"Holden was a lazy git who liked to avoid his problems." The answer was automatic. What? I do my homework.

"What?" January shrinks beside me. "Holden was trying to preserve the innocence of others even though he sees his innocence as beaten to death by his hyper-materialistic, capitalist culture."

Damn, she just mansplained me. That was kinda hot.

"Bro look the nerd just talked." A guy in the front nudged his friend and both of them started laughing, making January go beat red from embarrassment.

"Did you even understand half the things she said, bro?" I made sure to put on my best glare and a lot of ice in my voice.

The guy turned beat red this time.

"Don't laugh about someone who clearly has a much higher IQ than you and me combined and will gladly explain what she just said. Got it, bro?"

He nodded.


"Thank you," Jade whispered softly, her social battery already starting to drain from the embarrassment.

"No problem, Jade."


School's out for the day and it's four fifteen.

"Need a ride to the bookstore?" January asked as we were walking towards the exit.

"It's Wednesday," I said.

"And? You work everyday but Sunday." She replied.

"Yeah, but you don't go to the bookstore on Wednesdays." I replied as we reach her car.

"I asked if you need a ride. And do you have everyone's schedule memorized?" She smirked tauntingly.

No, just yours.

"Yeah, I could use a ride." I nodded and deflected her question. I don't actually need a ride, my truck is parked here.

"Okay, get in."

"How was your first day at South?" She asked as she started driving the fifteen minute drive to the bookstore.

"I hate your school." I stated.

"Same." She nodded.

"Why?" I ask, I never see her with friends or with anyone for that matter. Except Walter.

"They suck." She nodded.

"Huh, thought you'd put more thought into it," I smirked, "but don't worry about it, I know it's hard for you ." I tapped the side of her head.

"What'd you say today? 'Don't laugh at someone with a higher IQ than you and me combined'?" She deepened her tone to make her voice sound like mine but the only thing she achieved is sounding adorable.

Yes I just said that.

"Yeah but I was trying to stand up for you so you can't use that against me, sorry I didn't make the rules." I raise my hands up as if I'm surrendering to her.

"What rules?" She laughs.

"The rule that you can't use a person's words against them if they were trying to protect you." I nod as if I didn't just make that up.

"That rule is stupid." She shakes her head and the car stops.

I look out the window and see the bookstore right in front of me. How did fifteen minutes feel like two?

"Thank you, Jade." I turn to her and smile softly at her.

"You're welcome, Atlas." She smiles her sweet smile back at me.

"Do I get a goodbye kiss?" I offer.

"Get out." She smiles even harder.

I laugh and get out of the car, classic Jade.


Hey, hi, hello.

How are you?

I personally love this chap.

I have nothing else to add so I'll get out of your hair now.


Okay, love you, muah

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Okay, love you, muah.

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