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Hello, Hello.

Well I've been AWOL for a while but to be real with you guys I just didn't like the way the story turned out but I already posted it so there wasn't much I could do about it, and it just overwhelmed me too much so I didn't deal with it at all.

But I miss writing this book so freaking much so I want to edit this book but I don't know when, so I was hoping some of you could help me. So there are two choices:
A. I edit this book now and all of the chapters go offline for a while until I figure out how to fix it.

B. I continue this book the way it is even if I don't really like the storyline anymore and once I'm finished I'll edit the chapters one by one.

So if this book has any readers left to it, I would like for you to comment what you would prefer and I'll do my best to edit it the way you'd like.

Thank you so much, I love and miss you guys <3

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