Chapter Nineteen: Alone.

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"Did January speak to you since this morning?" I ask Lana as I drive her home

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"Did January speak to you since this morning?" I ask Lana as I drive her home.

"I sent her a couple texts but she didn't answer." Lana replies.

"That's weird, she usually answers fast, no?" I worry.

"Please don't become one of those uptight boyfriends, she's probably just reading, you know how she gets when she reads." Lana throws me a smile as we reach home, "thanks, bro." She laughs as she gets out of the car.

"Welcome," I reply as she closes the door, I'm so glad that the sparkle is back in her eyes, her break up done her wonders.

I drive to When The Page Turns, but when I get there the door is closed and the lights are off, weird.

It's three thirty, the bookstore should be open by now.

I call January.

"Hey," she answers, her voice is raw and there is sadness dripping from her voice.

"What's wrong, where are you?" I ask.

"Um, in the hospital." She replies.

"What? Why?" I start driving to the hospital.

"Pops is," she starts crying, "can you please come?" She asks between sobs.

"I'm already on my way, baby." I tell her.

He crying gets louder.

Please don't let it be what I think it is, please.

"I'm almost there, baby, just hang on." I try to soothe her.

"I can't breathe, August." She cries.

"I'm here, baby, where are you?" I ask as I put my car in park and get out.

"In front of the hospital, near the gate." She says.

I start running to her, and when I see her sitting on a patch of grass with her back to the gate and her knees to her chest my heart breaks into shreds.

"I'm here, baby," I sit and pull her into me.

"He is," she sobs, "he is dead, August."

"What?" I ask. "What do you mean he is dead?"

"He was laying there," she hiccups, "he wasn't breathing so I called nine-one-one, they couldn't save him." She deflates in my arms.

"Where is he now, Jan?" I ask.

"He's in the mortuary." She starts sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's okay, baby, everything is gonna be okay." I kiss the top of her head.

"I lost him," she whispers as she looks up at me, her eyes red and her cheeks blotchy. "I'm all alone."

I tuck her head to my chest as my eyes start to burn, "you're not alone, and you never will be alone either, I promise you that."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." She mutters.

If I have anything to do with it, and I do, January Jade Arlington will never be alone. Ever.

But I don't say that, it's not the time.

Instead, I kiss her head again and tuck her even more to me.

If I can't say it, than I damn straight will make her feel that in no way is she alone.


Hey, hi, hello.

I know I disappeared for a while but I'm here now, yay.

How are you?

I hate this chap bc of what happened to pops but this is life.

K guys I love youuuu

K guys I love youuuu

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